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Yes, water would still be able to move freely within the container regardless of the air pressure, as long as the container can withstand it. The movement of water would not be restricted by the air pressure in this scenario.

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Q: If there was to be an immense amount of air pressure in a container able to withstand it would water be able to move freely within the container?
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What can handle more pressure a small closed container or a large closed container if the amount of liquid placed in it is the same?

small container

When a container decreases in size what will happen to an amount of gas in the container?

If the container decreases in size, the pressure inside the container will increase. This is because the gas molecules are more confined and collide more frequently with the walls of the container. The amount of gas remains constant, but the pressure changes due to the reduced volume.

How does pressure due to a liquid held in a container vary with depth amount and shape and size of the container?

Pressure due to a liquid increases with depth because of the weight of the liquid above it. The pressure in a liquid is the same at a given depth regardless of the shape or size of the container, as long as the depth is the same. The shape and size of the container would only affect the pressure at different depths in the liquid.

How do gases behave in a closed container?

Since you have specified a closed container, the amount of gas doesn't change, and the volume that it occupies doesn't change. The only thing that is likely to change is the temperature, and changes in temperature will cause corresponding changes in pressure. And if the pressure gets too high, your closed container is going to explode. So avoid overheating.

Can anything withstand the amount of pressure on Jupiter?

I am doing a project on Jupiter and I need a material that can be used for spacecraft that prevents it from being crushed.

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Does same type balloons withstand the same amount of pressure?

No, the ability to withstand pressure is determined by various factors such as material, design, and thickness of the balloon. Two balloons of the same type may not withstand the same amount of pressure if they differ in these characteristics.

What happens to the gas pressure if the gas is released from a small container to a large container?

When you release it into the larger container the pressure reduces from the previous amount so the gas can completely fill the larger container.

How does pressure due to a liquid held in a container vary with depth amount and shape and size of the container?

Pressure due to a liquid increases with depth because of the weight of the liquid above it. The pressure in a liquid is the same at a given depth regardless of the shape or size of the container, as long as the depth is the same. The shape and size of the container would only affect the pressure at different depths in the liquid.

What can handle more pressure a small closed container or a large closed container if the amount of liquid placed in it is the same?

small container

When a container decreases in size what will happen to an amount of gas in the container?

If the container decreases in size, the pressure inside the container will increase. This is because the gas molecules are more confined and collide more frequently with the walls of the container. The amount of gas remains constant, but the pressure changes due to the reduced volume.

What is the effect of changing the amount of gas in a container?

It is the force of pressure of the gas

How much pressure can bone withstand?

Bones can withstand a considerable amount of pressure. On average, bones can withstand compressive forces of around 180 Mpa (megapascals) to 230 Mpa. However, this can vary depending on the type of bone and the direction of the force applied.

What will happen to the pressure inside the container if the volume of a container of gas is reduced?

If the volume of a container of gas is reduced, the pressure inside the container will increase. This is because reducing the volume decreases the amount of space the gas molecules have to move around, leading to them colliding more frequently with the walls of the container, thus increasing the pressure.

A student is monitoring the pressure of a gas in a rigid container. The amount of gas particles and the volume of the container are held constant. How will the pressure be affected if the container is?

If the container is heated, the kinetic energy of the gas particles will increase, causing them to move faster and collide more frequently with the container walls. This increase in collisions will lead to a higher pressure within the container.

Could sheltering vital organs increase the amount of gradually applied pressure that a human could withstand?


Can The amount of gas can affect the pressure of the gas?

Yes, the amount of gas can affect the pressure of the gas. According to Boyle's Law, if the temperature is constant, increasing the amount of gas in a container will result in an increase in pressure. Conversely, decreasing the amount of gas will result in a decrease in pressure.