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The changing of one element into another, called transmutation, involves a change in the nucleus of the atom. And the number of protons in the nucleus must change for one element to become another one. It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom that determines what element that atom is, and only a change in the proton count will herald the change of one element into another. The neutron count may or may not change in transmutation, but be assured that the number of protons will change.

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14y ago
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3w ago

Yes, changing the number of protons in an atom results in a different element because the number of protons determines the element's identity on the Periodic Table. This change alters the atomic number, which defines the element's chemical properties.

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16y ago

Yes. Isotopes change the number of neutrons, but the proton count stays the same.

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13y ago

That is correct. One example is proton emission a type of radioactive decay.

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11y ago

No. but cations or anions are formed by the loss or gain of electrons respectively.

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Q: If the number of protons in an atom changes a new element is formed?
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Can you form ions of the same element by changing the number of protons?

No, changing the number of protons in an atom changes the element itself. Ions are formed by gaining or losing electrons, which does not change the number of protons in the nucleus.

What detemines the identit of an element?

The number of protons it has in the nucleus. Number of electrons and neutrons can vary but if the number of protons changes, you have a different element. Number of protons is a constant in an element which never changes.

What happens when the number of protons in an atom change?

When the number of protons in an atom changes, the identity of the element changes because the number of protons determines the element's atomic number. If the number of protons changes, the atom becomes a different element. This process is called nuclear fusion or fission.

Why are there not isotopes with unusual numbers of protons?

If the number of protons changes so does the element, as the number of protons defines the element.

Do the number of protons in a specific atom ever change?

no. because if the number of protons changes, then the element changes

What results when radioactive decay causes loss or one more protons?

If radioactive decay causes the loss of one or more protons, the element changes into a different element with a lower atomic number. This process is known as transmutation. The new element formed will have different chemical properties than the original element due to the change in the number of protons.

The number of protons in its nucleus mean?

The number of protons in the nucleus identifies the element. It is like a fingerprint for that element. No other element will have that same number of protons. As soon as the number of protons in the nucleus changes, so does the identity of the element change.

When an element transmutates the number of changes?

When an element transmutates, its number of protons change, which in turn changes its atomic number and chemical properties. These changes can result in the formation of a different element with different physical and chemical characteristics.

Why doesnt the number of protons change for a single element while the neutrons and electrons can?

The number of protons in an atom determines its identity as a specific element. Changing the number of protons would change the element. Neutrons and electrons can be added or removed without changing the identity of the element since they do not affect the element's chemical properties.

How can scientist determine whether the nucleus formed is that of new element or that of new isotope of known element?

They can tell whether the nucleus formed is that of a new element or that of an isotope by determining the number of protons inside the nucleus. If the number of protons are different, then it is a different element (not necessarily new). If the number of protons are the same, then it is an isotope.

The part of an element that never changes is the?

The number of protons.

When the number of protons is changed in an atom what is formed.?

When the number of protons is changed in an atom, the result is the formation of a NEW ELEMENT.