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If it had half the present distance from the Sun, then it WON'T have the same orbital speed - it will move faster (unless the Sun's mass decreases). Use Kepler's Third Law to do the calculations.


The accuracy of the above notwithstanding, the questioner may be asking about the effect of one half the distance, disregarding for this question any impossible or catastrophic results. All things being equal, and also disregarding the slight eccentricity of earth's orbit, one half the distance from the sun would result in an orbit (circumference) of one half the length. Moving at the same orbital speed [which we know could not actually be the case] would create a year of one half the absolute length of a current year. So there would be roughly 182.6282 days per year.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 3w ago

Approximately 58 days. This is because the time it takes for one complete orbit (a year) is inversely proportional to the square root of the distance from the sun. Halving the distance would make the orbit faster by a factor of sqrt(2), resulting in a year being about 58 days long.

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Q: If the earth could be at one half of its present distance from the sun and maintain the same orbital speed the number of days in 1 year would be approximately?
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How many 3d electron found in Tin?

In the electron configuration of tin (Sn), the 3d electrons are not present. Tin has a configuration of [Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p2, which means it has 2 electrons in the 5s orbital, 10 electrons in the 4d orbital, and 2 electrons in the 5p orbital.

How long does it take to orbit the sun in days?

Each planet in the solar system has a different orbital period, corresponding to the different sizes of their elliptical orbits.For the Earth, the present orbital period is 365.25636days. (rounded)

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If the Sun were 50 percent more massive, its gravitational pull would be stronger, potentially disrupting the orbits of planets in the solar system. This could lead to changes in Earth's orbit, possibly causing shifts in climate and potential impacts on life. Additionally, the increased solar mass would accelerate the Sun's evolution, leading to a shorter lifespan and eventual expansion into a red giant.

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Dysnomia, the moon of the dwarf planet Eris, is approximately 96.3 astronomical units (AU) away from the sun on average. An astronomical unit is the average distance between the Earth and the sun, about 93 million miles.

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Yes, equal area projections aim to preserve the correct relative sizes of areas on the Earth's surface, but they may sacrifice shape, distance, or direction accuracy in the process. Therefore, there is distortion present, but it is a specific type intended to maintain the property of equal area.

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