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Vita Kulas

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2y ago
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1mo ago

If the air near the ground has enough moisture and the temperature reaches the dew point, condensation occurs and dew forms. Dew is simply water vapor in the air that has condensed into water droplets on surfaces like grass or leaves as they cool down below the dew point temperature.

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9y ago

When the temperature comes down to the dew point, the air can support no more water vapour and the dew begins to to form.

Air can absorb more water vapour as the temperature rises, so the difference between the dew point and the actual temperature gives a measure of the humidity.

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Q: If the air near the ground has enough moisture and the temperature reaches the dew point then what forms?
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Can it snow if it is 25 Fahrenheit?

Yes, it can snow at 25 degrees Fahrenheit as long as there is enough moisture in the air for snow to form and fall to the ground. Temperature is just one factor that determines whether precipitation will be snow or rain.

What atmospheric conditions would most probably exist if the dew point and dry bulb temperatures were same at the ground?

If the dew point temperature is the same as the dry bulb temperature at the ground level, it indicates that the air is saturated with moisture and has 100% relative humidity. This could lead to fog, mist, or possible precipitation in the form of rain. The conditions are favorable for moisture to condense and form clouds.

What happens before it snow?

Before it snows, the moisture in the air condenses and forms clouds. As the temperature drops, the moisture in the clouds freezes and falls to the ground as snow when the conditions are right. This process is part of the water cycle and can be influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and air pressure.

How rain is different from snow?

Rain occurs when the temperature is above freezing and water droplets fall to the ground, while snow occurs when the temperature is below freezing and water vapor freezes into ice crystals before falling as snowflakes. Rain is liquid water, while snow is crystallized ice.

Were you told that clouds are always full of rain but only when it is heavy enough or has enough rain that it will rain?

No, clouds can hold moisture without necessarily precipitating. Rain forms when water droplets in the cloud grow heavy enough to fall to the ground, usually due to coalescing into larger droplets or freezing into ice crystals. So, clouds can be full of moisture without necessarily producing rain.

Related questions

When the ground has enough moisture and the temperature reaches the dew point what happens?

When the temperature comes down to the dew point, the air can support no more water vapour and the dew begins to to form. Air can absorb more water vapour as the temperature rises, so the difference between the dew point and the actual temperature gives a measure of the humidity.

When is condensation seen outside?

I think your referring to Dew point. When the outside temperature is cool enough for moisture in the air to condense on the ground. That has to do with humidity and ambient air temperature

what tempacher is a snowy day?

Snow forms when the atmospheric temperature is at or below freezing and there is enough moisture in the air. But the temperature at the ground level may be warmer, sometimes above freezing.

When the humidity is high and the temperature is low fog often forms why?

When the temperature drops, the air reaches its saturation point more easily because cooler air can hold less moisture than warm air. High humidity means there is a lot of moisture in the air already. When these conditions combine, the air becomes saturated and the excess moisture condenses into tiny water droplets, forming fog.

Can it snow if it is 25 Fahrenheit?

Yes, it can snow at 25 degrees Fahrenheit as long as there is enough moisture in the air for snow to form and fall to the ground. Temperature is just one factor that determines whether precipitation will be snow or rain.

When does precipitaton form?

Basically it forms rain when the temperature is warm enough. It forms snow when the temperature is below freezing. When moisture in the atmosphere clings to air borne dust particles, they becoming too heavy to stay floating in air. So they fall to the ground as either rain or snow.

Why does a starry sky appear only at night and not during the day?

If by different you mean clearer, then its because there is less humidity or atmospheric moisture in the cooler winter than in the warmer summer evenings. This causes less distortion of the night sky. When the temperature is cool enough the moisture will settle on the ground as frost and this is the best time for stargazing.

Why does dew usually form at night?

The ground cools off at night (by radiating heat to space) and in the morning, moist air will encounter the cool ground and water will condense, because at lower temperatures, the air can hold less moisture.

What happens before the rain reaches the ground?

Before the rain reaches the ground, water droplets form within clouds through the process of condensation when warm air rises and cools. The droplets then grow in size until they become heavy enough to fall as rain.

How can it be foggy when it's cold?

Fog forms when moisture in the air near the ground condenses into tiny water droplets, creating a misty appearance. Cold air can hold less moisture than warm air, making it easier for fog to form when temperatures drop. So, when it's cold, the air can reach its saturation point more quickly, leading to foggy conditions.

When do you see clouds?

Fog is caused by a drop of temperature when the air is moist. Air always has some moisture in it. On a warm day there will be quite a lot of moisture in the air caused by evaporation of surface water or transpiration from plants. However, if the temperature drops the moisture starts to condense into droplets big enough to cause light scatter. We call this size water droplets low to the ground - fog. Early morning fog often clears as the sun hits it due to the re-evaporation of the water.

What would the name of a developing tornado be before it reaches the ground?

Before it reaches the ground a developing tornado is known as a funnel cloud.