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Q: If the Earth's mantle were completely solid what plates could not move around?
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What would happen to the earths plates if the mantle completely cooled down?

They'd stop moving.

What layer are the plates on?

The worlds tectonic plates slide on the earths mantle.

What is the surface on which the lithospheric plates move around earths surface?

The lithospheric plates move around on the asthenosphere, which is a partially molten layer of the Earth's upper mantle. This semi-fluid layer allows the plates to slide and interact with each other.

What happens as earths mantle drags on the bottom of techtonic plates?

As Earth's mantle drags on the bottom of tectonic plates, it creates stress and friction that can cause the plates to move. This movement can result in various tectonic activities such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountain ranges as the plates interact with each other.

What does it mean to say earths plates float?

plates actually float on earth's mantle

What layer are the plates sliding on?

The worlds tectonic plates slide on the earths mantle.

How does plate tectonics affect the mantle?

Tectonic Plates float on top of the earths mantle, the earths mantle is made up liquid which is always circulating.

What are oceans current are formed by what?

Moving plates in the earths mantle.

What layer in earths mantle do the plates slide over?

The asthenosphere.

Why do Hawaiian Islands move?

They move because the plates in Earths mantle shift and cause the island to move slightly. As the plates move around they cause changes in Earths landforms. The more pressure is on the plates the more they move around. Because of Japans tsunami and earthquakes, the plates were moved around to Hawaii and possibly could have caused an island to move. If you wander what plates are well they are rigid blocks of crust and upper mantle rock.

Why are continents not fixed permanently in location on the earths crust?

The continents are embedded in the top side of crustal plates which float on the surface of the mantle. Convection currents in the mantle carry the plates around and the embedded continents travel along.

What causes earths plates to move continuously?

Convection in the earth's mantle.