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rinse/gargle with mouth wash

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1mo ago

The best way to eliminate bacteria causing bad breath at the back of your tongue is to thoroughly brush your tongue with a tongue scraper or toothbrush. It is also important to maintain good oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing, staying hydrated, and seeing a dentist for cleanings regularly. Using mouthwash or gargling with salt water can also help reduce bacteria in the mouth.

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Q: If some of bacteria is behind of your tongue causing bad breath what is the best way to eliminate?
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What creates morning breath?

Sulfur compounds released from bacteria in your mouth and throat create morning breath. It helps just before you go to bed to brush not only your teeth with a soft tooth brush, but also the roof of your mouth and tongue. It is the tongue that has the taste buds and holds most of the bacteria.

Why do people with red hair have bad breath?

This is a misconception. Hair color does not have any direct correlation with bad breath. Bad breath is typically caused by poor oral hygiene, certain foods, bacteria in the mouth, or underlying medical conditions. It is important for everyone to practice good oral hygiene habits to prevent bad breath.

Is it true that morning breath contains feces?

No, morning breath does not contain feces. Morning breath is usually caused by dry mouth and reduced saliva flow during sleep, allowing bacteria to thrive and produce odorous compounds. It is not related to fecal matter.

Why do people have bad breath in the morning?

Saliva production decreases during sleep, leading to a dry mouth which allows bacteria to thrive and produce odors. Additionally, food particles and bacteria accumulate in the mouth overnight, contributing to morning breath. Regular oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing before bed, can help reduce morning bad breath.

Why has your breath got water vapour in it?

The water vapor in your breath comes from moisture in your lungs and airways. As you exhale, the warm air from your body mixes with the cooler air outside, causing the vapor in your breath to condense into small droplets that become visible as a mist.

Related questions

What are some natural remedies for bad breath?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria, so eliminating these bacteria will eliminate bad breath. Using a tongue scraper will physically remove the bacteria from the tongue. A number of herbs and other foods have properties which fight bad breath. These include cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. A bit of citrus such as orange will kill the bacteria with citric acid.

What does bacteria breath?

if im correct, bacteria breath chlorine

Bacteria changes nitrates in what way?

Bacteria breath in nitrogen and breath out nitrate/

Is bad breath a virus or bacteria?


How do you eliminate bad breath from tooth decay?

You get the teeth fixed.

Why does your breath taste so bad after yawning?

Yawning can dry out the mouth and reduce saliva flow, which allows bacteria to proliferate and release sulfur compounds that cause bad breath. Additionally, when you yawn, you are pulling air and saliva from the depths of your throat, potentially bringing up odor-causing bacteria.

Where does most of bad breath come from?

90% of bad breath comes from bacteria and residue on the tongue

What illness in the body causes bad breath?

Not illness just bad breath germs and bacteria

Why do humans have bad breath?

Bad breath is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When people don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in the mouth and between the teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make the breath smell.

What to do about dsypnea?

That entirely depends on what is causing the shortness of breath.

Do turtle's breath out the behind?

yes they do wierd but they do

Bad Breath May Not Just be in Your Mouth?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in your mouth, esophagus or stomach. If you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, bacteria build up between the teeth. This bacteria causes the smell, and brushing and mouthwash will just cover it up. See your dentist for a professional cleaning to remove the bacteria colonies. Bad breath can also come from your stomach. Your doctor can give you more advice for eliminating this type of bad breath.