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No, you'd probably be dead since medical science lacks the proper techniques to perform a brain transplant. However in the future that might be possible, so the answer would be yes... in the future.

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Your thoughts and personality are shaped by a combination of your brain and your life experiences, so it's possible that your thoughts might change if your brain were in a different body. While you might still retain some aspects of your identity, the new body and environment could influence your thoughts and feelings. Ultimately, the concept of identity is complex and is influenced by various factors.

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Q: If my brain was put in someone else's body would I still think the same as I do now Would I still be me?
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Is the brain eating bacteria still in the water?


Is there part of our brain that we don't know how to use?

There is still much to learn about the brain, but it is not accurate to say there are parts we don't know how to use. All regions of the brain have known functions, but our understanding of their full potential and interactions is still evolving.

Can zombies survive in Alaska?

It is unlikely that zombies could survive in Alaska due to the extreme cold temperatures that would freeze tissues and organs. Additionally, the limited food supply and harsh environment would make it difficult for zombies to sustain themselves.

Is the human brain a solid or a liquid?

The human brain is neither a solid nor a liquid; it is a soft, gelatinous organ. It has a consistency similar to firm jelly.

Could we live without your skull?

No, a human couldn't live without a brain because the brain controls everything in your body, so it tells your heart to beat, feet to move, eyes to blink, mouth to open, teeth to chew. If you don't have your brain to tell your heart to beat, your heart cannot pump blood. So your body really can't live. Please improve if you feel it's not right. *Your brain doesn't necessarily tell your heart to beat. Your heart is composed of cells which are described as auto-rhythmic. These cells are essentially a pacemaker and produce action potentials simultaneously, causing the heart to contract and pump blood to the rest of the body. Therefore, if you removed the heart from the body, it would still contract without being attached to the rest of your body.

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I Beleive not, however they can still contribute to the financial work but legally someone elses name will be down in the CFO position

What happens if you insure your car in someone elses name?

That person is the one that has to set up the insurance because they will be the one legally responsible for it and if you still drive the vehicle, you will have to be added as a driver. Since you are the owner of the vehicle, you would also have a legal responsibility if an accident occurs.

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Yes, You are still respnsible for the damage you cause to others. A suspicion that someone elses property may or may not be insured or properly taxed is irrelevant to the fact that you dmaged their property and are legally liable for those damages.

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No, one product key can be only be used on the same computer. Even if they are not using their computer, you still won't be able to activate or use it. Recoveries are not to be sold seperately.

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