2pm EST
When it is 3:00 PM Central European Time (CET), it is 2:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
10am EDT is 2pm GMT. The time difference between EDT and GMT is 4 hours, with GMT being ahead.
9am EST is 2pm in Mali, assuming Mali is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) without daylight saving time. Mali does not observe daylight saving time, making this conversion straightforward.
11am GMT is 6am EST.
7 pm
Zurich is GMT+2 hr, so at 2PM EST in the US, it is 8 PM in Zurich
2pm EST
When it is 3:00 PM Central European Time (CET), it is 2:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
10am EDT is 2pm GMT. The time difference between EDT and GMT is 4 hours, with GMT being ahead.
9am EST is 2pm in Mali, assuming Mali is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) without daylight saving time. Mali does not observe daylight saving time, making this conversion straightforward.
11am GMT is 6am EST.
2pm MST is 4pm EST. This is because Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 2 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time (MST).
14:00 EST is 19:00 GMT. The Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
If it is 2PM in the US, it would be 7PM in Glasgow, Scotland. Glasgow is in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) timezone, which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) in certain parts of the US.
2.40 GMT is 9:40 PM EST. EST is 5 hours behind GMT, so you need to subtract 5 hours from the GMT time to get the equivalent EST time.
6:30 EST is equal to 11:30 GMT. To convert from Eastern Standard Time (EST) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), you need to add 5 hours as GMT is ahead of EST.