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There is a 2 out of 4 chance that the child will be Rh +. The group could be 3 out of 4 that the child will be an A. So depending upon whether the fathers positive Rh is dominate gene.Yes there is a possiblity that a child from this couple would be A +.

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1mo ago

No, the child cannot have blood type A positive if the father's blood type is O positive and the mother's blood type is A negative. A positive blood type requires inheriting a positive Rh factor from both parents, which is not possible in this scenario. The child's blood type would either be A negative or O positive.

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Q: If fathers blood group is O positive and mothers blood group is A negative can child blood group be A positive?
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The child will be O- or A-.

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Only AB negative.

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The father's blood wil be positive, but can be either A, B, O, or AB. Nathalie

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If the antibodies in Rh negative pregnant mothers attack the blood cells of an Rh positive baby, the baby may be damaged by a low blood cell count. This hemolytic anemia can be prevented by the use of Rhogam in each pregnancy in an Rh negative mother.

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If the antibodies in Rh negative pregnant mothers attack the blood cells of an Rh positive baby, the baby may be damaged by a low blood cell count. This hemolytic anemia can be prevented by the use of Rhogam in each pregnancy in an Rh negative mother.

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