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If we were to align a bar magnet with the Earth's magnetic field the north pole on the bar magnet would be the red-colored portion. When it comes to Earth, as of now the North pole is in the arctic. However, this is the magnetic north pole which is slightly off true north and always wandering due to variations in the Earth's magnetic field. True north is exactly what the name implies, it the very top and perfectly centered point on the Northern hemisphere.

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Q: If earth's magentic field is like a bar magnet where is the north pole of bar the magnet?
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Which pole north or south of a compass magnet is attracted to Earht's magnetic north pole?

The north pole of the magnet is the one that points north. The Earth magentic pole that is near the north pole is traditionally called the "magnetic north pole", but if you consider Earth as a magnet, it is really the SOUTH pole, since the north pole of a magnet is attracted to it.

How a compass works and why it is useful?

A compass has a magnet that points north, according to the Earth's magnetic field. It is useful, precisely, to find out where north is.A compass has a magnet that points north, according to the Earth's magnetic field. It is useful, precisely, to find out where north is.A compass has a magnet that points north, according to the Earth's magnetic field. It is useful, precisely, to find out where north is.A compass has a magnet that points north, according to the Earth's magnetic field. It is useful, precisely, to find out where north is.

What causes the magnet compass to react with a magnet?

a compass works by detecting the earths magnetic field. a magnet also has amagnetic field just not as big so the compass needle points at the magnet ratherthan towards north.Another AnswerThe compass needle is a small bar magnet balanced on a pin. It swivels freely on this balance point. This is how it can align with the magnetic field of the Earth to show what direction magnetic north is. When you introduce another magnetic field, like from a magnet in close proximity, the needle will align with these local fields since their field strength is stronger than Earth's magnetic field - locally.

What magnet use in the compass?

non the compass uses the earths magnetic field that is why the north pole and south pole is the most important directions because the north and south pole have the most highest magnetic feilds

How can you tell where the field is strongest on a bar magnet?

I think it is the north and the south parts of the magnet.

What is the direction of magnetic field lines inside any magnet?

The direction of magnetic field lines inside a magnet is from the south pole to the north pole. This means that the field lines are directed from the region of higher field intensity (south pole) to the region of lower field intensity (north pole) within the magnet.

Does the magnetic field go from north to south or south to north?

The magnetic field lines go from the north pole to the south pole outside the magnet and from the south pole to the north pole inside the magnet.

What will be the position of the freely suspended magnet in a region over the earths magnetic pole?

The freely suspended magnet will align itself vertically, with its north pole pointing directly downward towards the Earth's magnetic pole. This is because the magnetic field lines are vertical at the magnetic poles.

Why do scientists think that earths' magnetic field has not always pointed north?

Every 100,000 years or so, the Earths magnetic field shifts direction. North becomes south, south becomes north.

Where is the magnetic field on a magnet the stongest?

The magnetic field of a magnet is strongest right at the poles, both the north pole and the south pole (which are equally strong).

Is the field of a magnet north to south or south to north?

This can't be seen with the unaided eye. But if you hang the magnet on a string, the end that points north is the magnet's north pole - it alligns itself that way, due to the Earth's magnetic field.This can't be seen with the unaided eye. But if you hang the magnet on a string, the end that points north is the magnet's north pole - it alligns itself that way, due to the Earth's magnetic field.This can't be seen with the unaided eye. But if you hang the magnet on a string, the end that points north is the magnet's north pole - it alligns itself that way, due to the Earth's magnetic field.This can't be seen with the unaided eye. But if you hang the magnet on a string, the end that points north is the magnet's north pole - it alligns itself that way, due to the Earth's magnetic field.

Why won't a compass work near a magnet?

A compass needle aligns with the Earth's magnetic field to point north. When near a magnet, the compass needle can be influenced by the magnet's stronger magnetic field, causing it to point towards the magnet instead. This interference makes the compass unreliable for determining true geographic north.