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the molecules will pass from the salt solution to the cells.

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Q: If cells are placed in a solution with a high concentration of solute water will?
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A solution with a high concentration of non-permeating solutes is called?

A solution with a high concentration of non-permeating solutes is called hypertonic. This means that the solute concentration in the solution is higher compared to the solute concentration inside the cell. Cells placed in a hypertonic solution will lose water and shrink due to osmosis.

When placed in a hypotonic solution what will happen to the cell?

If cells are placed in a hypotonic solution the cells gain water. The hypotonic solution has lower solute concentration then the cell's cytoplasm so the water will enter via osmosis.

What will happen to decalcified eggs when placed into a hypertonic solution?

Decalcified eggs placed in a hypertonic solution will lose water due to osmosis. The hypertonic solution has a higher solute concentration than the egg, causing water to move out of the egg to try to balance the concentration. This can result in the egg shrinking or shriveling up.

What is hypotonic solution?

A hypotonic solution has a lower solute concentration compared to the cells it surrounds. When cells are exposed to a hypotonic solution, water will move into the cells through osmosis, causing them to swell or potentially burst.

Why is it that when unicellular organism when placed in a concentrated salt will dehydrated?

When unicellular organisms are placed in a concentrated salt solution, water inside the organisms will move out of their cells through osmosis. This occurs because the salt solution has a higher solute concentration than the cells, causing water to passively diffuse out of the cells in an attempt to balance the concentration of solutes inside and outside the cells. This loss of water leads to dehydration of the unicellular organisms.

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A solution with a high concentration of non-permeating solutes is called?

A solution with a high concentration of non-permeating solutes is called hypertonic. This means that the solute concentration in the solution is higher compared to the solute concentration inside the cell. Cells placed in a hypertonic solution will lose water and shrink due to osmosis.

When placed in a hypotonic solution what will happen to the cell?

If cells are placed in a hypotonic solution the cells gain water. The hypotonic solution has lower solute concentration then the cell's cytoplasm so the water will enter via osmosis.

What will happen to decalcified eggs when placed into a hypertonic solution?

Decalcified eggs placed in a hypertonic solution will lose water due to osmosis. The hypertonic solution has a higher solute concentration than the egg, causing water to move out of the egg to try to balance the concentration. This can result in the egg shrinking or shriveling up.

Why cell?

If placed in a hypertonic solution, cells will shrink because the solute concentration outside the cell will be higher than inside the cell. This causes the movement of water out of the cell (in order to equalise the concentration).

Which solution has more solute-hypo or hypertonic?

A hypertonic solution has more solute compared to a hypotonic solution. In a hypertonic solution, the concentration of solutes is higher, causing water to move out of the cells. In a hypotonic solution, the concentration of solutes is lower, which leads to water moving into the cells.

Two cells were placed in a container containing liquid X they both shrunk what is liquid X?

Liquid X is likely a hypertonic solution, meaning it has a higher solute concentration than the cells. When cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, water leaves the cells to try to equalize the concentration, causing them to shrink in a process called plasmolysis.

What term is descriptive of the solution with the higher solute concentration?

The term "hypertonic solution" is used to describe a solution with a higher solute concentration compared to another solution. In a hypertonic solution, water tends to move out of cells, which can lead to cell shrinkage or crenation.

Is sucrose hypertonic?

Yes, sucrose is considered hypertonic because it has a higher solute concentration compared to the solution it is placed in, causing water to move out of the cells through osmosis.

What would happen when exp osmosis with boiled potato and how can this be improved?

When a boiled potato is placed in a solution with a higher concentration of solute, water molecules will move out of the potato cells, causing it to shrink and become wrinkled. To improve this, you can immerse the boiled potato in a hypotonic solution, where the concentration of solute is lower than inside the potato cells, to allow water to move back into the cells, making the potato firm and hydrated again.

What is hypotonic solution?

A hypotonic solution has a lower solute concentration compared to the cells it surrounds. When cells are exposed to a hypotonic solution, water will move into the cells through osmosis, causing them to swell or potentially burst.

What will happen to the potato when place is a concentrated sugar solution?

When a potato is placed in a concentrated sugar solution, water will move out of the potato cells via osmosis, resulting in the potato shrinking and becoming soft and limp. This is because the sugar solution has a higher solute concentration than the potato cells, causing water to move from an area of higher water concentration (inside the potato) to an area of lower water concentration (the sugar solution).

How does osmosis diffusion hypotonic hypertonic and isotonic solutions relate to the cell?

Osmosis is the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration. In a hypotonic solution, there is a higher concentration of solute inside the cell compared to outside, causing water to move into the cell. In a hypertonic solution, there is a higher concentration of solute outside the cell, causing water to move out of the cell. An isotonic solution has equal concentrations of solute inside and outside the cell, resulting in no net movement of water.