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If both members of a pair of chromosomes are present in the cell, the condition of the chromosomes is said to be diploid. Diploid cells have two sets of chromosomes, one set derived from each parent.

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Q: If both members of a pair of chromosomes are present in the cell the condition of the chromosomes is said to be?
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Autosomes are what kind of chromosomes?

Autosomes are non-sex chromosomes that are present in both males and females. They determine an individual's traits and characteristics, excluding those related to sex determination.

If an Allium cell has 30 chromosomes before Mitosis how many chromosomes are present in each daughter cell?

If an Allium cell has 30 chromosomes before Mitosis, then each daughter cell will also have 30 chromosomes after Mitosis. This is because during Mitosis, the chromosomes replicate and are equally distributed between the two daughter cells.

What are the specific names of autosomal chromosomes like sex chromosomes?

Y chromosome is autosomal dominant chromosome. When it is present, the sex of the child is male. When both the chromosomes are X, then the sex of the child is female. X chomosome is called as autosomal recessive chromosome.

How do autosomal chromosomes differ from chromosomes?

Autosomal chromosomes are non-sex chromosomes, present in both males and females, while sex chromosomes determine an individual's sex. Autosomes are inherited in pairs, with one copy from each parent, while sex chromosomes come in two types: X and Y. Autosomal chromosomes contain genetic information that determines an individual's traits other than sex characteristics.

Describe some of the pieces of information that scientists discovered that contributed to the chromosome theory of inheritance?

Scientists discovered that chromosomes are inherited in a predictable manner during cell division, they observed that the number of chromosomes in a species is constant, and that specific traits are linked to particular chromosomes. They also found evidence of chromosomes segregating independently during meiosis.

Related questions

Autosomes are what kind of chromosomes?

Autosomes are non-sex chromosomes that are present in both males and females. They determine an individual's traits and characteristics, excluding those related to sex determination.

If an Allium cell has 30 chromosomes before Mitosis how many chromosomes are present in each daughter cell?

If an Allium cell has 30 chromosomes before Mitosis, then each daughter cell will also have 30 chromosomes after Mitosis. This is because during Mitosis, the chromosomes replicate and are equally distributed between the two daughter cells.

What is a good sentence with the word Homozygous?

A cell is said to be homozygous for a particular gene when identical alleles of the gene are present on both homologous chromosomes.

What are the specific names of autosomal chromosomes like sex chromosomes?

Y chromosome is autosomal dominant chromosome. When it is present, the sex of the child is male. When both the chromosomes are X, then the sex of the child is female. X chomosome is called as autosomal recessive chromosome.

How do autosomal chromosomes differ from chromosomes?

Autosomal chromosomes are non-sex chromosomes, present in both males and females, while sex chromosomes determine an individual's sex. Autosomes are inherited in pairs, with one copy from each parent, while sex chromosomes come in two types: X and Y. Autosomal chromosomes contain genetic information that determines an individual's traits other than sex characteristics.

How do you use homozygous in a sentence?

An organism is homozygous for a particular gene when identical alleles of the gene are present on both homologous chromosomes. (see related link)

How many chromosomes are present in a mature sex cell if the immature sex cell contains 18 chromosomes?

If the immature sex cell contains 18 chromosomes, the mature sex cell will contain 18 chromosomes as well. This is because during the process of meiosis, the number of chromosomes is reduced by half to produce haploid sex cells.

What are similarities between prokarytic and eukarytic chromosomes?

they are both chromosomes

Describe some of the pieces of information that scientists discovered that contributed to the chromosome theory of inheritance?

Scientists discovered that chromosomes are inherited in a predictable manner during cell division, they observed that the number of chromosomes in a species is constant, and that specific traits are linked to particular chromosomes. They also found evidence of chromosomes segregating independently during meiosis.

Both meiosis and fertilization are essential to maintain chromosome number constant .why?

Total number of chromosomes remain same in same species of organism through meiosis process. In meiosis process the number of chromosomes are reduced to half as a result in gametes only one set of chromosomes will be present. In this process chromosomes are same.....

Are chromosomes found in animal cell or plant cell?

Both, chromosomes are found in most eukaryotic cells.

How many chromosomes are common to both males and females?

Both males and females have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. In females, the sex chromosomes are two X chromosomes (XX), while in males, the sex chromosomes are one X and one Y chromosome (XY). Therefore, one pair of the sex chromosomes is common to both males and females.