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Q: If after eruption the top of a volcano collapses down around the vent what forms?
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When a volcano collapses into itself at its top it forms a?

When a volcano collapses into itself at its top, it forms a large crater called a caldera. Calderas are formed when the magma chamber of a volcano empties during an eruption, causing the summit to collapse inward.

What forms when a larger volcano collapses it on itself?

It forms a 'caldera'.

How can a lake be a result of a volcanic eruption?

An volcanic eruption can sometimes be so powerful, the volcano collapses onto itself and forms a wide crater. Eventually rain will fill that creator, forming a volcanic lake. An example of this is crater lake.

What forms after the top of a volcano collapses?

When a volcanic cone collapses it forms a caldera.

What forms when the dome of stratovolcano collapes?

A caldera forms when the dome of a stratovolcano collapses following a large eruption, emptying the magma chamber beneath the volcano. This collapse creates a large, bowl-shaped depression in the Earth's surface.

What forms when the top or side of a volcano collapses into the magma chamber?


What forms when the top or side of volcano collapses into the magma chamber?


What happen to create a caldera?

Calderas form during massive explosve volcanic eruptions. In such eruptions so much material is expelled that it leaves a large empty space under the volcano. The volcano then collapses into this space, forming a giant crater.

What is basin shaped crater at top of mountain called?

The basin shaped crater at the top of a mountain is called a caldera. It forms when a volcano collapses into itself after an eruption, creating a large, circular depression.

What forms a volcano eruption?

two plates rubbing together

When the top of a volcanic mountain collapses it forms a what?

When the top of a volcanic mountain collapses, it forms a volcanic crater or caldera. This creates a bowl-shaped depression at the summit of the volcano.

Does lava gush out of volcanoes or flow out?

The verb for lava coming out of a volcano is 'erupt.Lava erupts from volcano then flows down the flanks.For very viscous lavas, the lava forms a dome in the mouth of the volcano (which, when it gets too big collapses to form pyroclastic flows), in this instance the eruption is a growth, dome growth!