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Not necessarily. Cancerous cells means there is a possibility of cancer or you could just have cells that are mutating and multiplying weird. If the doctor says for have cancerous cells, there will more than likely be more tests run, and things done to make the cells go away.

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1mo ago

Having precancerous cells does not mean the condition is terminal. Precancerous cells can often be treated or monitored to prevent them from developing into cancer. It is important to follow up with a healthcare provider for proper management and guidance.

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15y ago

No it does not mean that at all. ---- No, far from it. It means that the doctors have detected some cells that have what are called some "atypical features", and which could - repeat, could - become cancer down the road. The doctors will treat the tissue that contains these cells to make sure that no problems develop. This is sort of like when you spot worn tread on a tire while your car is still parked in the driveway - you could get a blow-out if you took the car out on the highway. But if, instead of going to the highway, you head over to the local tire store and have a replacement installed, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. (It would be stupid not to get the tire replaced as soon as possible, though.)

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Q: If a person has pre cancer cells does that mean its terminal?
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What do the following terms mean Cytotoxic?

Cytotoxic refers to substances or processes that are toxic to cells, typically targeting and destroying them. In the context of cancer treatment, cytotoxic drugs or therapies are used to kill rapidly dividing cancer cells.

Why is it important for the doctors to remove all the cells?

Removing all the cells is important in medical procedures to prevent the spread of disease or infection, ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, and reduce the risk of complications or recurrence. This is particularly vital in cancer treatment to eliminate all cancerous cells and prevent the disease from returning.

The mass of cells that result from uncontrolled cell growth?

The mass of cells that result from uncontrolled cell growth is called a tumor. Tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Malignant tumors have the ability to invade surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body.

What does mild atypical cells mean?

Mild atypical cells refers to abnormal cells that are slightly different in appearance from normal cells when examined under a microscope. While they may not definitively indicate a serious condition, further evaluation or monitoring may be recommended to rule out any potential risks or concerns for the individual's health.

What is squamous mean for adults?

"Squamous" refers to the flat, scale-like shape of cells, tissues, or organs. Squamous cells are often found lining the surfaces of organs like the skin, lungs, and digestive tract. Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that arises from these flat cells.

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Did you mean "cancer" or "censor"?Cancer: Cancer is an uncontrolled growth and division of cells within the body and can sometimes be terminal/fatal with or without treatment.Censor: suppression of materials that are viewed as inappropriate or profane by the person who governs items such as movies or books.

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It means that the doctors believe that the cancer is effectively untreatable, and that it will eventually lead to the person's death.

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Cancer of any kind is not contagious. Cancer cells from one person are generally unable to live in the body of another healthy person. The healthy person's immune system recognizes the cancer cells and destroys them. There have been a few cases in which organ transplants from people with cancer have been able to cause cancer in the person who got the organ.

If there is no cancerous cells in excision biopsy is that mean no further cancer?

No, it just means, that at the time of the biopsy, there were no active cancer cells. It is not a guarantee that the cancer cannot return at a future date.

What is atypical cells?

Atypical cells are cells that appear to be abnormal and need further testing to determine why they are abnormal. Sometimes these cells can end up being cancer but not all atypical cells will.

How do you know if you have cancer cells in your body?

Cancer cells are a natural occurrence in the human body, so everybody has them. This does not mean they are harmful or active, they only cause cancer in over abundance or if chemically activated somehow.

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A malignant cell is a cancer cell. Once that is growing out of control. No malignant cell means the absence of cancer cells. This means the observed cells are healthy.

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The white blood cells are the immunity and defense of a body. A person with bladder cancer may experience a high white blood cell count because their body is fighting to destroy the cancer.

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the highest degree in a given field. or the maximum qualification that a person has in some specific field is called terminal qualification

What is the worst malignant or benign cancer?

If you mean, "What is the worst : malignant or benign cancer?" the answer is Malignant. If a person has a tumor for instance, in the benign state it is virtually harmless, it means that the tumor would not be cancerous, but, when a tumor is malignant that means cancer has developed and is spreading to other parts/cells in the body.Hope that helps!

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I wonder if you mean cancer?