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Not enough information. But basically, you need to use Newton's Second Law: you need to divide the force by the mass of the yo-yo.

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Q: If a net force of 0.2 N is applied in step c use the space below to calculate how fast the yo-yo accelerates?
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When does a mass accelerate uniformly?

A mass accelerates uniformly when a constant force is applied to it, resulting in a constant rate of change in velocity over time. This occurs in scenarios where there is no opposing force or acceleration due to factors such as friction, air resistance, or gravity.

Does the law of applied forced state that a body's change in mass is proportional to the amount of force applied to it?

The Law of Applied Force states that a body's change in mass is proportional to the amount of force applied to it.

How does K be determined?

K, also known as the spring constant, is determined experimentally by measuring the force applied to a spring and the resulting displacement. The formula to calculate K is K = F / x, where F is the force applied and x is the displacement. By plotting the force-displacement data and calculating the slope of the line, the spring constant can be determined.

How do you calculate the force exerted on an object in a well flowing at a given rate?

To calculate the force exerted on an object in a well flowing at a given rate, you can use the formula: Force = Pressure x Area. First, calculate the pressure at the depth of the object in the well using the fluid's density, gravity, and depth. Then, determine the cross-sectional area of the object to which the pressure is being applied. Multiply these values to find the force exerted on the object.

Why a force acting on a body is called a sliding vector?

A force acting on a body is not typically called a "sliding vector." The term "sliding vector" may refer to a force vector that is parallel to a surface, which could cause the body to slide if it overcomes static friction. The force could also be called a frictional force if it opposes the relative motion of the body.

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What a small mass with a lot of force applied?

The object accelerates.

What happen when you apply a force on an object in space?

It accelerates as long as the force is applied, and after that it continues at a uniform speed and direction.

What happens when force is applied to an object?

When a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to accelerate, change shape, or deform depending on the strength and direction of the force. The object will experience a change in motion or internal stress in response to the applied force.

What happens when you apply force in an object in space?

It accelerates as long as the force is applied, and after that it continues at a uniform speed and direction.

An object will accelerate in the direction of the?

An object accelerates in the direction of the net applied force, which is the vector sum of all applied forces.

When does a mass accelerate uniformly?

A mass accelerates uniformly when a constant force is applied to it, resulting in a constant rate of change in velocity over time. This occurs in scenarios where there is no opposing force or acceleration due to factors such as friction, air resistance, or gravity.

A 30 N force is applied to an object which then accelerates at 3 m s2 what is the mass of the object?

Using Newton's second law (F = ma), you can rearrange the equation to solve for mass. Given that the force applied is 30 N and the acceleration is 3 m/s^2, you can calculate the mass of the object to be 10 kg.

When a car accelerates it changes?

When a car accelerates, its velocity increases over time. This change in velocity is the result of a force being applied to the car, which causes it to speed up.

How does force create motion?

Force creates motion by overcoming inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. When a force is applied to an object, it accelerates in the direction of the force, causing it to move. The greater the force applied, the greater the acceleration and resulting motion of the object.

An applied force and a frictional force act on an object The object accelerates in the direction of the applied force Which of the following describe how the frictional force compares to the applied?

We're forced to go out on a limb here and propose an answer without benefit ofthe "following" list of choices, since, apparently, the question was automaticallytruncated and the choices were lost. It's a shame you went to all that trouble tocopy the choices along with the question, only to see them deleted by some nasty 'bot'.Since the object accelerates in the direction of the applied force, the net force on it ...equal to the vector sum of the applied force and the friction force ... must point inthe direction of the applied force, and so the frictional force must be less than theapplied force.

How does force lead to motion?

Force causes an object to accelerate, which in turn leads to motion. This is described by Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.

What is the force time graph of an accelerating object?

The force-time graph of an accelerating object would typically show a non-zero, positive force applied over time. As the object accelerates, the force applied to it would increase proportionally until it reaches a constant force when the acceleration stops.