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I would need more information (like what blood types the child's grandparents are) to narrow it down. The child could be:

- A negative

- A positive

- AB negative

- AB positive

- B negative

- B positive

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9y ago
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15y ago

My mother has AB blood type and my father has O blood type. My blood type is O+

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Dewey Johnson

Lvl 1
2y ago
AB and O can only produce. A or B

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1mo ago

Their child could be A positive or A negative, as the child inherits one blood type allele from each parent.

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14y ago

The mother's blood type is either AB or B.

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15y ago

There are three options: #1 One parent is AB and the other one is A. #2 One parent is AB and the other one is B. #3 One parent is A and the other is B.

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12y ago

If mother's blood group is O and father's is AB ,the off springs will have either A or B or O group.

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15y ago

The possibilities are A, B, and AB.

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14y ago


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Dewey Johnson

Lvl 2
2y ago

Type a + or tupe b+

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Q: If a mother is A negative and father is AB positive what blood type could their child be?
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What is the most likely blood type of the father if the mother is O positive and two children are A negative?

The father's blood type could be either A positive or A negative. The children inherited the A antigen from the father, resulting in their blood type as A negative. The Rh factor (positive or negative) is inherited separately, so the father could be either positive or negative.

If a mother has O negative blood and her child has A positive blood what type of blood should the father have?

The blood would be A+, the child's is always pretty much what the Father's is.

If mother is o negative and child is o positive what blood group is father?

father could be A positive, B positive, or O positive... i cud be more specific if i knew the his parents blood type

What blood type would a child be with a AB neg mother and O positive father?

The child would most likely have either blood type A positive or B positive. A child inherits one blood type allele from each parent, so with an AB negative mother and an O positive father, the child could receive the A allele from the mother and the O allele from the father, resulting in blood type A positive. Alternatively, the child could receive the B allele from the mother and the O allele from the father, resulting in blood type B positive.

Can an A positive mother and a B positive father have an O negative child and why?

Yes, it is possible for an A positive mother and a B positive father to have an O negative child. This can happen if both parents are carriers of the O negative blood type, which can be inherited from ancestors. In this case, the child would inherit one O gene from each parent, resulting in an O negative blood type.

Related questions

Can a mother with A positive blood and father with O positive blood have a baby with A negative blood?

Yes, it is possible for a mother with A positive blood and a father with O positive blood to have a baby with A negative blood. The baby would inherit one A allele from the mother and one O allele from the father, resulting in A negative blood type.

Can a father with A-negative blood have a child with A-positive blood?

Yes, a father with A negative blood can have a child with A positive blood. If he does, the mother must have a positive Rh factor, and the mother's blood type may be any of the possibilities.

Is it possible for a child to have O negative blood if the mother has A positive blood and the father has A positive blood?


Can a child have o positive blood if the mother has A positive and the father has A negative blood?


If the mother has B positive blood and the father has O negative what would the child's blood type be?

B positive or negative or, O positive or negative.

Can a mother with B positive blood and father with O positive blood have a baby with B positive blood?

Yes, a mother with negative and a father with O positive can have a baby with B positive. If they do, the mother must have blood type B or AB.

Can a mother with a negative blood and a father with ab negative blood have a child with b positive blood?


If a Mother is A positive blood group and a Father is A positive blood can they have a child that is A negative blood group?

95% not.

Can a o negative blood type father and a negative blood type mother have o positive child?

I'm not sure how negative or positive is determined, but a B mother and O father can have a B child.

Your father has a positive blood and your mother has o positive and you have a negative is this possible?


Can a baby have A positive blood if the mother is O positive and the father is O negative?


If the father's blood type is A positive and the mother's blood type is O positive can the child's blood type be O negative?

No, because a baby gets their blood from their father, not their mother.