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If you took vitamins only and drink water, what would happen? You would die. Your body and the grass needs water to survive. Water is the most basic need other than oxygen, or carbon dioxide in the case of plants. The other problem is if you add fertilizer to a plant, it needs water to transfer it to its cells. Without this delivery device, the fertilizer is useless and can actually harm the plant instead of helping it.

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Fertilizer provides essential nutrients to help grass grow, but without water, the grass cannot absorb these nutrients effectively. Water is necessary to help the roots take up the nutrients from the fertilizer and support the grass's overall health. Without water, the grass cannot maintain its proper growth and may become stressed or die.

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What part of a plant dies first if you don't water it?

The leaves of a plant typically die first if the plant is not watered. Leaves rely on water to carry out essential functions like photosynthesis, so a lack of water can cause them to wither and die.

How is grass abiotic?

Grass is NOT abiotic, dead or alive. The definition of an abiotic substance is something that is neither dead nor alive, like rocks, soil, the sun, clouds, and all man-made objects. Grass is a biotic organism that lives and dies and relies on reproduction to increase its genetic diversity and goes through a life cycle from emergence from a seed or birth to death.

What organisms have to do with the stability of an ecosystem?

this is a tricky thing to answer because your question is to vague. in a normal ecosystem Every organism in it plays a part in maintaining and keeping it going. a simple way to look at this is the circle of life. grass grows from dirt made of decomposed animal matter. bugs eat grass herbavores eat bugs/grass carnivores eat herbivores carnivore dies and micoorganisms break its body down into dirt.

What are the roman days of the week?

The Roman days of the week were Dies Solis (Sunday), Dies Lunae (Monday), Dies Martis (Tuesday), Dies Mercurii (Wednesday), Dies Iovis (Thursday), Dies Veneris (Friday), and Dies Saturni (Saturday). Each day was named after a different planet or deity in Roman mythology.

What happens when paua dies?

When a paua dies, its shell will remain intact but the soft tissue inside will decompose over time, leaving behind an empty shell. These shells may eventually wash up on beaches as empty shells or be broken down by natural processes in the ocean.

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What grows when fed and dies when watered?

A fire grows when fed and dies when watered.

What is the best grass seed to plant in Raleigh nc?

In North Carolina, the most common type of grass used is Bermuda. It dies in the winter and turns a dull brownish color, but in the summer, if watered properly and fertilized, it makes a beautiful green landscape. It is also useful in North Carolina because of the frequent droughts, because watering is not needed in the winter and it requires less water than other popular grasses such as fescue.

What is something that grows when it fed and dies when watered?


What happens to a plant when watered with laundry detergent?

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Why is the Vacuole important in plant cells but not in animal cells?

Because it holds the water an when it can't hold anymore water it dies because you have over watered it. Because it holds the water an when it can't hold anymore water it dies because you have over watered it. Because it holds the water an when it can't hold anymore water it dies because you have over watered it.

Why does grass get sick?

Dogs eat grass so that they will throw up. This is because they already feel sick to their stomach. They eat the grass because they know that throwing up will make them feel better.

Does cactus dies if you put a lot of water?

Cacti will die if watered to much, it is best to water them when the soil has dried out completely. It is better to water less often than more.

Why is the grass in your lawn turning yellow?

Grass changes from green to yellow when it dies because of lack of sunshine or water the moisture in the grass will evaporate and that dries it up and as the grass dies it changes coulors

Is bunchgrass living or nonliving?

It is grass! Grass is a living organism (until it dies).

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How grass can grass die?

I'm guessing you mean how can grass die. Lack of water or nutrients is the main reason that grass dies.

Where does the excess sperm go when the egg is already fertilized?

The excess sperm dies and it dissolves.