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yes it gets heavyer until it starts to evaporate

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

The water gets heavier when a gas dissolves in it. This is because the dissolved gas molecules add to the overall mass of the water.

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Q: If a gas dissolves in water does the water get heavier or lighter?
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If gas is added to water does that make it lighter or heavier?

When gas is added to water it does make it heavier , for example: In soft drinks gas in compressed into water by high pressure, when you open the bottle, gas starts escaping in air and when all of it is out , weight liquid is less than that of when their was gas.

Do you get lighter or heavier when you fart?

You do not become lighter or heavier when you fart. Farting releases gas that was already inside your body, so there is no change in mass.

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No, lighter gas particles diffuse more rapidly than heavier gas particles because they have higher average speeds due to their lower masses. This means they can move more quickly through a medium, leading to faster diffusion rates.

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Around 2 pounds if using water. Gas would be lighter and certain liquids would be heavier.

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Helium is a gas, so it is not lighter than gas. It is like asking why is water heavier than liquid. Helium is less dense than all other gases except hydrogen, because it has an atomic weight of 4.

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Natural gas is lighter than air. It tends to rise and disperse into the atmosphere when released, making it more prone to dissipate quickly instead of pooling near the ground like heavier gases.

Is natural gas heavier than air?

Yes, natural gas is lighter than air. It will rise and dissipate into the atmosphere if released into the air.

Is carbon dioxide lighter than water?

Yes, carbon dioxide is lighter than water. Carbon dioxide is a gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, while water is a liquid. In terms of density, carbon dioxide has a lower density than water, which causes it to float on top of water.

Does a lighter gas effuse slower than heavier gases?

No, lighter gases effuse faster than heavier gases. This is because the rate of effusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the molar mass of the gas. Lighter gases have lower molar masses, which results in faster effusion speeds.

Will water go to bottom of gas tank?

Yes, water is heavier than gas.