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No it would still be too far out to be terrestrial

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16y ago
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4mo ago

No, even if Pluto were as large as Mercury, it would not be classified as terrestrial. Terrestrial planets are composed primarily of rock and metal, while Pluto is composed of ice and rock. Additionally, Pluto's orbit and location in the solar system would still make it more like a dwarf planet rather than a terrestrial planet.

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12y ago

Yes, poor pluto's just caught behind the gas giants away from the other terrestrial planets. ^^

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11y ago

No it is not I'm making a project of it. It is not.

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7y ago

No. Pluto is not considered a planet. It is a dwarf planet.

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13y ago

Yes Mercury IS terrestrial!

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Q: If Pluto were as large as mercury could it be classified as terrestrial?
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Quiet unlikely. The size of Pluto is quite small, so if it had another moon, it would be very visible and not likely to be missed, unless it was smaller than we could notice, in which case it would not be classified as a moon.

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