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Kenya's President since December 30, 2002 is Mwai Kibaki.

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The leader has to get at least 50% of the votes.

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do people in kenya get to choose there goverments

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Q: If Kenya and the US are both presidential democracies how do they choose their leaders?
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Does Kenya have a democracy or a dictatorship?

Kenya has a democracy. It is a presidential representative democratic republic with a multi-party system, where the President serves as both the head of state and government. Elections are held regularly to choose the country's leaders.

Which of these men was an unsuccessful presidential candidate in Kenya in 2002?

Uhuru Kenyatta was an unsuccessful presidential candidate in Kenya in 2002.

Who won the presidential election in Kenya in 2002?

Mwai Kibaki

Who is the preferred presidential candidate in Kenya for 2012?

Raila odinga

Who are the leaders of Kenya?

Do you mean the presidents and top leaders. THe current president is Mwai Kibaki. Prime minister is Raila Odinga. Prominent Kenya leaders are such as the first president of Kenya, who fought for Kenya independence, President Mzee jomo Kenya. He's now deceased. The 2nd president was Daniel T. Arap Moi, now retired. The fourth Mwai Kibaki who is still the current president under the joint coalition government in Kenya.

What form of government exist now in Kenya?

Kenya is a democracy whith a Presidential system, more or less comparable to the US system.

Why would you want to go on holiday to Kenya?

You would choose to vacation in Kenya because Kenya is beautiful, has exotic animals, and scenery, and great people.

What form of government does Kenya Africa have?

Kenya has a multi-party democratic system of government. The country follows a presidential system with a president as the head of state and government, and a bicameral parliament consisting of the National Assembly and Senate.

Why did William choose Kenya to propose to Kate?

Because it is very hot

What countries in the Middle East or Africa have parliamentary democracy?

There are quite a few. There is certainly a question as to whether a number of these countries are liberal or illiberal democracies, but that is a slightly different question. The countries with the freest parliamentary democracies in the Middle East and Africa are Israel, Namibia, South Africa, Turkey, Botswana, and Tunisia in that order. There are some less free parliamentary democracies such as Kenya, Tanzania, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, etc.

How long has Mwai Kibaki been president over Kenya?

He started running in Kenya's presidential executive branch in 2000. If you don't believe me look it up----from Jade Esser, 13 years of age

How long was the longest reign of Kenyan presidents?

The longest presidential reign in Kenya was 24 years by Daniel Arap Moi.