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- sence of morality builty in us therefore we are made with it. It must be a source outside of this world, therefore it is God.

- want to get into heaven

- proof of morality in The Bible

- everyone knows right from wrong therefore God gave it too us

- free-will to do what we choose with our morality


- if God gave us morality then why do we choose evil?

- cultral relitisim - brought up in different environnment with different morals

e.g. age of consent differs per country

If morality were built in us then it would be the same

Is it fair that God gave us different rules for different countries?

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8mo ago

The concept of morality is subjective and varies among individuals and cultures. The behavior of entities in the universe is governed by natural laws and principles, not necessarily moral considerations. Additionally, humans have free will, which allows for moral or immoral choices. Therefore, the existence of immoral behavior does not necessarily conflict with the idea of a creator.

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