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Q: If Electron move to a higher energy level?
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What do you call an atom if you move an electron in an atom from a low energy level to a higher energy level within the atom?

When you move an electron in an atom from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, it is called an electron excitation. This process requires the electron to absorb energy to move to a higher energy state.

What must happen for an electron to move to a higher energy level?


What causes an electron in an atom to move to higher energy level?


When the electron emits lights does the electron move up to a higher energy level or down to a lower energy level?

In the Bohr model of the atom, an electron emits a photon when it moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

What causes an electron in an atom o move to a higher energy level?


What electron transition represents a gain of energy?

An electron transitioning from a lower energy level to a higher energy level represents a gain of energy. This usually occurs when the electron absorbs a photon of light or heat energy.

How does an electron must move in order to release a photon of light?

An electron must move from a higher energy level to a lower energy level within an atom in order to release a photon of light. This process, known as electron transition, results in the emission of light energy in the form of a photon.

Electrons exist only at fixed levels of potential energy However if an atom absorbs sufficient energy a possible result is that?

an electron can move to a higher energy level, becoming excited. Subsequently, the electron may release this energy in the form of light when it returns to its original energy level.

What has to happen before you can move to a new energy level in the electron cloud?

An electron must absorb or release a specific amount of energy, typically in the form of a photon, to move to a new energy level in the electron cloud. This process is known as electron excitation or de-excitation.

An electron jumps to a new energy level when?

An electron jumps to a new energy level when it absorbs or emits a specific amount of energy in the form of a photon. This energy change causes the electron to move to a higher or lower energy level based on the difference between the initial and final energy states.

What happens when electrons moves to higher energy level?

The electron gains energy.

When is an electron in an atom likely to move from energy level to another?

First, in order for an electron in an atom to change energy levels, there must be a place for it in the new energy levels. Quantum Mechanics puts very strict rules on how many electrons can be in the same energy level. Assuming there is a place for it, then it is very likely to move into a lower energy level. It is not possible for it to move into a higher energy level unless something from the outside comes in and knocks it up. There is no way to predict when an electron will drop down into a lower energy level. When something like a photon comes in from the outside and knocks the electron into a higher level, it usually drops back down pretty quickly, but not necessarily.