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Q: If 4.82 g of an unknown substance is heated to 115 and degC and then placed in 35.0 mL of water at 28.7 and degC which then heats up to 34.5 and degC. Determine the specific heat capacity of the subst?
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What exactly is a reagent in English?

A reagent is a chemical substance that reacts with some other substance. It is common to add a specific reagent to an unknown substance to determine whether or not the substance that the particular reagent reacts to is present. (For example, add a reagent for sugar to test for the presence of sugar.)

If you had an unknown substance and were asked to identify it would you use the intensive or extensive properties of the substance?

To identify an unknown substance, you would typically use its intensive properties. Intensive properties, such as density, boiling point, and specific heat, are independent of the amount of substance present and are useful for identifying specific materials.

An unknown substance is made only of identical atoms that cannot be broken down this substance is what?

The substance is an element. Each atom consists of the same type of nucleus and protons, with a specific number of protons determining the element's identity on the periodic table.

What is the specific heat of 3.56g of an unknown metal if the 2.1kJ are required to raise the metal's temperature 5 c?

Here we use the equation ΔQ=mcΔT, where ΔQ is the energy change of the system, m is the mass of the substance, c is the specific heat capacity of the substance, and ΔT is the temperature change of the system. It can be rearranged to get c as the subject:c=(ΔQ)/(mΔT)Putting your known values into this equation yields an answer of 118Jg-1K-1.

How do you perform a testcross?

To perform a testcross, you cross an individual with a dominant phenotype (but unknown genotype) with a homozygous recessive individual. By examining the offspring's phenotypes, you can determine the genotype of the unknown individual through the principles of Mendelian genetics. This allows you to determine if the individual is homozygous dominant or heterozygous for a specific trait.

Related questions

How can a titration help you to determine the concentration of an unknown substance?

In a titration, a known concentration of a substance (titrant) is added to the unknown substance until a chemical reaction reaches completion. By measuring the volume of titrant required to reach a specific endpoint, the concentration of the unknown substance can be calculated using the stoichiometry of the reaction.

How can you determine whether unknown substance is a mineral?


How can you determine whether an unknown substance is a mineral?


How to use stoichiometry determine the concentration of a substance?

To use stoichiometry to determine the concentration of a substance, you need to first balance the chemical equation for the reaction involving the substance. Next, determine the moles of the known substance and use the balanced equation to relate it to the moles of the unknown substance. Finally, calculate the concentration of the unknown substance in terms of moles per liter based on the volume of the solution.

What exactly is a reagent in English?

A reagent is a chemical substance that reacts with some other substance. It is common to add a specific reagent to an unknown substance to determine whether or not the substance that the particular reagent reacts to is present. (For example, add a reagent for sugar to test for the presence of sugar.)

What is the purpose of titration?

The purpose of titration is to determine the unknown concentration of a substance in a solution by reacting it with a known concentration of another substance. This allows for precise measurements of the concentration of a specific component in a solution.

How can density be used to determine the identity of a substancce?

Density can be used to determine the identity of a substance by comparing the density of the unknown substance to the known densities of different substances. Each substance has a characteristic density, so if the density of the unknown substance matches that of a known substance, it can help identify the unknown substance.

What is the aim of titration?

To determine electrode potential

What is meant by a mixed melting-point determination?

A mixed melting-point determination is a technique used to determine the purity of a solid compound by mixing a known pure sample with an unknown sample and observing the melting point of the mixture. If the melting point of the mixture matches that of the known pure sample, it suggests that the unknown sample is pure as well.

What is meant by a characteristic property of a substance?

A characteristic property of a substance is a unique and specific attribute that is inherent to that substance and helps to identify and distinguish it from others. These properties remain constant regardless of the amount or form of the substance and can be used to determine its identity.

What properties do scientists look for to identify an unknown substance?

Scientists look for properties such as density, boiling point, melting point, solubility, conductivity, and reactivity to help identify an unknown substance. By comparing these properties to known data in a database, scientists can often determine the identity of the unknown substance.

Contained in the chart to determine which unknown substance could be lithium?

Look for a substance that is soft, silver-white, and reacts vigorously with water. These characteristics are indicative of lithium. Additionally, check for any specific gravity or density values that align with lithium's properties.