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Plant cells contain plastids while animal cells do not.'

Animals cells have centrosomes while plant cells do not.

Plant cells have larger vacuoles.

Plant cells also have a cell wall which animal cells do not.

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6y ago
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1mo ago

Two structures that could be seen by light microscopy in plant cells are the cell wall and chloroplasts. The cell wall provides structural support to the cell and can be visualized as a rigid outer boundary. Chloroplasts are organelles responsible for photosynthesis and contain green pigments that can be observed under light microscopy.

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12y ago

that is a good question, if you see a diagram of a plant cell in comparison of an animal cell you can see that the plant cell is more detailed and has more features rendering it capable of photosynthesis. if i can remember correctly... both plants have a nucleus and both plants have a chloroplast but a plant cell has cytoplasm but animal cells don't. that's all i can remember sorry.

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12y ago

plants are regular in shape and contains cell wall,chloroplast and also permanent large central vacuole but animals cells are irregular in shape,some has vacuoles which are known as temporary vacuole,but doesnt has any cell wall or chloroplast.

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15y ago

the easiest way to tell under a microscope is by the cell walls.

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15y ago

easy cell walls are only found in plants or i guess it could be the shape to plants are always square and animals are all sorts of shapes mostly circles

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11y ago

plant: chloroplast, cell wall

animal: nucleus, plasma membrane

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10y ago

The chloroplast and the cell wall.

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Q: Identify two structures that could be seen by light microscopy in plant cells?
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Are electron microscopes good for watching cells grow?

Yes, electron microscopes can be used to watch cells grow, as they provide high-resolution imaging capabilities that can capture the intricate details of cellular structures. However, electron microscopy may require special sample preparation techniques that could affect the living cells, so it is important to carefully consider the experimental design. Alternatively, techniques like live cell imaging with fluorescence microscopy may be more suitable for observing the dynamics of cell growth in real-time.

What structure could you see in the Elodea cells?

In Elodea cells, you could see structures such as the cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplasts (containing chlorophyll for photosynthesis), and a central vacuole. These structures are typical of plant cells and contribute to their function in photosynthesis and support.

What structures could a cellular organism use to move through its environment?

Cellular organisms can use structures like flagella, cilia, and pseudopodia to move through their environment. Flagella are long, whip-like structures that propel cells forward, cilia are shorter hair-like structures that help with movement or feeding, and pseudopodia are temporary extensions of the cell membrane that amoeboid cells use for crawling and engulfing food.

What cause scientsist to discover the existence of cells?

The discovery of cells was made possible due to advancements in microscopy in the 17th century. Scientists like Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek were able to observe and describe cells for the first time, leading to the development of cell theory by Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann.

Which of the following could have been components of membranes that covered pre-cells in ancient Earth?

Possible components of membranes that could have covered pre-cells in ancient Earth include fatty acids, phospholipids, glycerol, and cholesterol. These molecules are known to form bilayer structures that can create a stable boundary separating the cell from its environment.

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Are electron microscopes good for watching cells grow?

Yes, electron microscopes can be used to watch cells grow, as they provide high-resolution imaging capabilities that can capture the intricate details of cellular structures. However, electron microscopy may require special sample preparation techniques that could affect the living cells, so it is important to carefully consider the experimental design. Alternatively, techniques like live cell imaging with fluorescence microscopy may be more suitable for observing the dynamics of cell growth in real-time.

What structure could you see in the Elodea cells?

In Elodea cells, you could see structures such as the cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplasts (containing chlorophyll for photosynthesis), and a central vacuole. These structures are typical of plant cells and contribute to their function in photosynthesis and support.

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A root world for "cyto" could be "cyt" which relates to cells or cellular structures.

Why direct microscopy and plate count give not a same counts?

Direct microscopy counts viable and non-viable cells, whereas plate count only counts viable cells that are able to grow and form colonies on agar plates. Additionally, plate count may underestimate the total number of viable cells due to factors like the inability of certain cell types to grow under specific conditions or the formation of aggregated cells that do not separate easily on the agar plate.

Which microscope would be MOST useful for examining the contours of the surface of a bacteria cell?

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) would be most useful for examining the contours of the surface of a bacteria cell. SEM provides high resolution, 3D images of the surface of specimens, making it ideal for studying the detailed surface structures of bacteria cells.

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Cellular organisms can use structures like flagella, cilia, and pseudopodia to move through their environment. Flagella are long, whip-like structures that propel cells forward, cilia are shorter hair-like structures that help with movement or feeding, and pseudopodia are temporary extensions of the cell membrane that amoeboid cells use for crawling and engulfing food.

How did the invention of the microscope help the classification of organisms?

The invention of the microscope allowed scientists to observe microscopic details of organisms, leading to the discovery of new structures and characteristics that could be used for classification. Being able to examine cells, tissues, and small structures enabled scientists to identify similarities and differences among organisms more accurately, contributing to the development of modern classification systems such as the Linnaean taxonomy.

What cause scientsist to discover the existence of cells?

The discovery of cells was made possible due to advancements in microscopy in the 17th century. Scientists like Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek were able to observe and describe cells for the first time, leading to the development of cell theory by Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann.

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Structures that can usually be observed in cells in the low power field of a compound light microscope include the cell membrane, nucleus, and possibly some larger organelles like mitochondria or chloroplasts. Other structures like ribosomes or small vesicles may not be visible at this magnification level.

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To develop a procedure to identify cancerous tissue based on the number of cells undergoing mitosis, you could obtain a tissue sample, stain it to highlight mitotic cells, and then count the number of cells undergoing mitosis per unit area using a microscope. An increased number of cells undergoing mitosis may indicate abnormal cell proliferation characteristic of cancer. Further validation through histological analysis and comparison with healthy tissue samples would be necessary to confirm the presence of cancer.

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No, non-living things do not have cells. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of living organisms. Non-living things can consist of molecules, atoms, or other material structures but do not contain cells.

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