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Woody Stem

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1mo ago

If annual rings are present on the slide, then this slide likely represents a cross-section of a plant stem or trunk. The annual rings are formed by the growth pattern of the plant, with each ring representing one year of growth. They can be used to determine the age of the plant and provide insights into its growth conditions.

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Q: Identify the slide if there are annual rings present?
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What is a sputum slide?

A sputum slide is a laboratory sample obtained by collecting mucus or phlegm that is coughed up from the respiratory tract. It is examined under a microscope to identify any microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi, that may be present, helping in the diagnosis of respiratory infections or diseases.

What is an Henrici slide?

A Henrici slide is a specialized microscope slide used in microbiology to examine and identify fungi. It consists of a thin layer of agar on a glass slide, which allows fungi to be cultured and observed under the microscope. It is named after the Swiss mycologist, Hanns Hofmann Henrici.

What would you expect from a gram stain done on a slide that was heated too hot during the heat-fixed smear?

If the slide was heated too hot during heat-fixing, the bacteria on the slide may appear distorted or shriveled. This can make it difficult to accurately identify and classify the bacteria present on the slide. Overheating can also lead to loss of cellular structures and affect the overall staining quality, making it harder to observe the typical gram stain results.

Why slide need to soak in alcohol before staining?

Soaking the slide in alcohol before staining helps to remove any dirt, debris, or contaminants that may be present on the slide. This ensures that the stain can properly adhere to the slide and provide accurate results during the staining process.

What is the best time of day to remove rings from fingers?

The best time of day to remove rings from fingers is typically in the morning, as your fingers may be less swollen compared to later in the day. Avoid removing rings when your fingers are cold, as this can cause them to tighten. If a ring is stuck, try using soap and water or lubricant to help gently slide it off.

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Can people slide on Saturn's rings?

Only after peeing on it The urine reacts with the chamicals of the rings causing it to be like a water slide Bagpipes lol

Can you slide on Saturns rings?

Saturn's rings are not solid, but rather vast collections of individual pieces of dust, rocks, and ice. So no, even if you could get there, you wouldn't be able to slide on them.

Is slide future tense?

No, "slide" is the present tense. The future tense would be "will slide".

What is the present participle of slide?

The present participle is sliding.

How do you slide attack on sonic and the secret rings?

I believe u can not slide attack in that game. but i havent completed it yet

What activities can be done in Saturn planet use your imagination?

you can slide on the rings

What are the parts of the trumpet called?

There are lots of parts. The mouthpiece, the leadpide, slide, tuning slide/crook, rings, valves, etc.

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What tense is slide?

It is present tense.

Why do you think it is important to identify audience before you create a slide presentation?

So you can identify what they like and how strict they are.

What type of friction is present when you slide down a water slide?

Fluid friction

What is the present perfect tense of slide?

The present perfect tense of slide is "have/has slid." For example, "She has slid down the hill many times."