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Q: Identify six common joints in the body and list the following?
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Are bony joints the most common types of joints?

No, the most common type of joints in the human body are synovial joints, which are characterized by the presence of a synovial cavity. Bony joints, also known as synostoses, result from the fusion of bones and are less common in comparison.

What is the most common type of joint in the body?

Synovial joints

Are most joints in the human body synovial joints or ball and socket joints?

Most joints in the human body are synovial joints. Synovial joints are the most common type of joint, allowing for various types of movement due to the presence of synovial fluid. Ball and socket joints, such as the hip and shoulder joints, are a specific type of synovial joint characterized by a spherical head fitting into a cup-like socket.

Where would you find joints in your body?

Joints can be found throughout the body where two or more bones meet. Some common joint locations include the knees, elbows, shoulders, and hips. Joints enable movement and flexibility in the body.

What are the groups of joints found in the body?

the different groups of joints in the body are saddle joints gliding joints hinge joints and ball and socket joints .

How many joints have you got in the body?

BODY JOINTS - webcrawler 'THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE ANSWER there are around 360 joints in the human body.'

How many joints are there in a person's body?

There are 360 joints in a human body

How many joints are in a humen body?

The human body has 320 joints. These joints enable movement and flexibility in the body, allowing us to perform daily activities and tasks.

What is a common misconception about arthritis?

that only old people suffer from it. and also that it only effects the joints of the body.

What are the joints in your body?

The joints in our body is Pivot joint,Hinge joint,Gliding joints and Ball-and-Socket joint.

How many movable joints are in a human body?

the human body has 230 movable joints in the body.

What are the short terms of influenza?

They vary from strain to strain and how they affect an individual. In general, the following are common symptoms: *Nausea *Diarreaha *Fever *Aches of the body and joints *Lithargy *Loss of equilibrium *Headaches *Some strains will have Congestion and coughing