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Q: Identify a typical activity that would be recorded using the Transaction Processing System. How often would such an activity occur and what member of staff would be responsible for recording it?
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What is the function of olfactory lobs?

The olfactory lobes, also known as the olfactory bulbs, are responsible for processing and interpreting sensory information related to smell. They receive signals from the olfactory receptors in the nose and help to identify different odors. This information is then sent to the brain for further processing and recognition.

What is duplicate transaction?

A duplicate transaction is when the same transaction is processed more than once, resulting in the same amount being charged to the customer multiple times. This can happen due to technical glitches, human error, or system failures. It is important for businesses to identify and rectify duplicate transactions to prevent overcharging customers.

Who was the first person to identify the forces that caused tides?

The first person to identify the forces that caused tides was Sir Isaac Newton. He proposed that the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's oceans was responsible for creating tides.

What does an x and y chromosome identify?

In the cytological terminology x and y chromosomes are identified as sex chromosomes. In human being these chromosomes are responsible for determination of sex in the offspring.

What evidence is there for the food storage function of cortex?

One of the key pieces of evidence for the food storage function of the cortex is the phenomenon of gustatory or food-related hallucinations that can occur in certain neurological conditions affecting the temporal lobe, which is involved in gustatory processing. Additionally, patients with damage to the insular cortex, another region involved in taste perception, can sometimes lose the ability to identify or experience pleasure from eating, indicating its role in food perception and storage. Lastly, neuropsychological studies have shown that specific regions of the cortex are responsible for integrating sensory information related to food, suggesting a role in food storage processing.

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The first step in processing a business transaction is to identify the transaction. Next, classify the transaction, record, and report the transaction.

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What are the steps in journalizing?

Identify the transaction: Determine the nature of the business transaction that has occurred. Analyze the transaction: Understand which accounts are impacted by the transaction and the amount involved. Record the transaction: Debit and credit the appropriate accounts based on the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Equity). Post to the general ledger: Transfer the journal entry information to the general ledger accounts.

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1. Identify the accounts affected 2. Classify accounts affected. 3. Determine the amount of increase of decrease for each account affected. 4. Which account is debited? For what amount? 5. Which account is credited? For what amount? 6. What is the complete entry in the T account form?

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