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Elbow joint pain can be from many of things. You could of hit it or pinched a nerve.

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Q: I have pain in my elbow joint after pitching just 2 innings what could this be?
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There can be many reasons why an elbow on a 14 year old can hurt. It could be tennis elbow or a problem in the joint. If it has been hurting for a half year, it is best to see a doctor.

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The elbow joint is a hinge joint.

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Yes your elbow is a hinge joint.

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The joint between the shoulder and the wrist is the elbow.

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The things on your legs, and the things on you arms!

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The elbow joint is its own joint, Latin Articulation Cubiti. It's a synovial hinge joint connected with a radioulnar joint.

What is the difference between movable joint and elbow joint?

this is because the partially movable joint wont move as easy r quickly as that of the elbow joint.