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E=mc2 is Einstein's mass-energy equivalence formula, in which energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared. Because the speed of light is large, this results in a tiny amount of matter being able to create a lot of energy, as in nuclear reactions. Please see the related link for details.

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1mo ago

To raise the c in E=mc^2, you could increase the speed of light (c) in a vacuum. Since the speed of light is constant, changing it would require altering fundamental physical constants, which is currently beyond our technological capabilities.

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15y ago

C is the symbol for the the speed of light, which in a vacuum is equal to 299,792,458 metres per second. If you doubt an equation such as this, one useful thing to do is a dimensional analysis. Physical quantities can usually be broken down into Mass, Length, and Time. In the case of energy, it is defined as Force x Distance. Force is in Newtons and is the product of Mass X Acceleration (1 Newton is the force which accelerates a mass of 1 kg at 1 meter/sec2 ). So the dimensions of force are Mass x Distance x Time-2. The convention is to write this with M for mass, L for distance, and T for time, in square brackets, ie Force = [M] [L] [T-2]. As said before, Energy = Force x Distance, so has dimensions [M] [L2] [T-2]. Now c is velocity, which is [L] [T-1], so c2 has dimensions [L2] [T-2], so it is clear that mc2 has dimensions [M] [L2] [T-2], which is the same as Energy. Now this does not prove that E = mc2, but it at least points out that it is possible, if you wrote E = mc for example, the dimensional analysis would show that not to be possible. What Einstein did was to imagine a moving body emitting light of total energy E, E/2 to the right and E/2 to the left.. In the direction of movement (say to the right) the light would be blue shifted, which means it would carry more momentum, and the light to the left would be redshifted and carrying less momentum.(Momentum is Mass x Velocity). Therefore there is a net movement of momentum to the right, and the only way the body could lose momentum is by losing mass. Now he says that the momentum of the light is its energy E/2 divided by c (since it moves at velocity c), and the right moving light has its momentum increased by an amount v/c, where v is the velocity of the body. So the right moving light is carrying extra momentum = v/c x E/2c = vE/2c2.The left moving light loses the same amount of momentum, so the total shift of momentum to the right is vE/c2. Therefore the momentum of the body becomes (M - E/c2 ) x v. So the change in the body's mass is equal to E/c2. Einstein concluded that all the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content, and E = mc2.

QED. Marvellous what an original mind can produce, that had defeated many other minds before.

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12y ago

In Einstein's mass-energy equivalence equation e = mc2, if m = 1 kg, then e = 9x1016 joules, or about 21.5 megatons of TNT equivalent explosive power.

That's assuming total conversion, which is impractical and unrealistic, but it goes to show the magnitude of the numbers involved.

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16y ago

C stands for the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters per second.

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13y ago

c is the symbol that represents the Term 'the speed of Light'. It is unraisable and unlowerable, set at a fixed 186,000 miles/second or 298.000 kilometers/second.

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13y ago

"C" is the constant for the speed of light.

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What does the E in Enstien's equation?

The "E" in Einstein's equation (E=mc^2) stands for energy.

Does it mean to multiply the mass of anything with speed of light squared?

E=MC(squared) According to einstein, matter is made of energy, if you multiply the mass with c, you get the energy composition of the said body in a said moment in time.

In the equation Emc2 what does the 'c' stand for?

The 'c' in E=mc^2 represents the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 meters per second.

E equals mc2 Why is the speed of light squard?

In the equation E=mc^2, the speed of light is squared because it represents a fundamental property of the universe - the speed of light (c) is a constant that is very large (approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second). Squaring the speed of light helps to relate mass (m) to energy (E) in a way that shows how a small amount of mass can yield a huge amount of energy.

How did everything come from nothing?

I, myself, am not sure, but one common theory is the big bang. so if you take Einsteins equation of E=MC squared, then you'd be able to backtrack by taking all the matter in the universe, and multiplying it by the speed of light squared, and thats how much energy there was. you can also flip the equation around, which is how everything was created from nothing.

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Who developed the formula E equals mc squared?

Einstein developed the E = mc squared formula.

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Is Einstein wrong about e equals mc squared?

No, not as science currently understands.

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e=mc2 (e equals mc squared)

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In the equation E equals mc squared what does c stand for?

C = speed of light

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PET scans

Who is the German physcist famous for the formula e equals mc squared?

Albert Einstein.