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Q: How would you know if a bacterial culture produced a water soluble pigment?
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What pigment is most soluble?

Anthocyanins are the most soluble pigments found in plants. They are water-soluble pigments responsible for red, purple, and blue colors in many fruits and vegetables.

What are the relations with pigment and chromatography?

In chromatography, pigments can be separated based on their differing affinities for the mobile and stationary phases. The different pigments will travel at different rates through the chromatography system, allowing for their separation and identification based on their unique colors and positions within the chromatogram. Pigments play a key role in chromatography as they provide a visible representation of the separation process.

How can you tell which pigment is the most soluble?

The most soluble pigment will dissolve quickly and completely in a solvent, such as water or alcohol, without leaving any residues or undissolved particles. You can assess solubility by observing if the pigment fully dissolves upon stirring in the solvent or by measuring the concentration of the pigment left in the solution after filtration.

What pigment is least soluble?

Prussian blue is one of the least soluble pigments, meaning it has low solubility in water and other solvents.

Pigment that is present in rhoeo leaf that gives it purple color?

The pigment responsible for the purple color in a Rhoeo leaf is anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is a water-soluble pigment commonly found in plants that appear red, blue, or purple in color.

What is the pigment type for red leaf?

The pigment responsible for the red color in leaves is called anthocyanin. It is a water-soluble pigment that gives red, purple, and blue colors to many fruits, flowers, and leaves. Anthocyanins play a role in protecting plants from UV radiation and attracting pollinators.

What is the pigment found in leaves?

The most abundant plant pigment found in the world is chlorophyll and it has two types one is called chlorophyll-a and other is called chlorophyll-b and chlorophyll -a is responsible for the occurance of photosynthesis in plants and above these it also has xanthophyll and yellow carotenoids.

Is azithromycin soluble in water?

Azithromycin is practically insoluble in water. However, it is freely soluble in ethanol and in methylene chloride. Azithromycin is used to treat bacterial infections like pneumonia and sexually transmitted disease.

When a solution is free from soluble products produced by microorganisms it is said to be?

pyrogen free

What is antocyanin?

An anthocyanin (I do not know of a antocyanin) is a blue, purple, red, or pink water-soluble flavanoid pigment in cell sap / a vacuole. Hope this helps :)

What do the Rf values indicate about the relative solubility of the pigment in the the solvent?

The Rf value indicates the ratio of the distance a pigment travels compared to the distance the solvent travels on a chromatography plate. The higher the Rf value, the more soluble the pigment is in the solvent used for the chromatography.

Why is ammonia gas not collected over water?

Ammonia gas reacts with water to form ammonium hydroxide, a basic solution. This reaction reduces the amount of ammonia gas collected and may lead to inaccuracies in the experimental results. To prevent this, ammonia gas is typically collected using an alternative method such as downward displacement of air or through a gas syringe.