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80Hg(202) has 80 p + 122 n

79Au(197) has 79 p + 118 n

This is 1 proton and 4 neutrons less than in Hg

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Q: How would the structure of an atom of 202Hg have to be changed for the atom to become an atom of 197Au?
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How many neutrons are in 202Hg?

There are 120 neutrons in 202Hg. Mercury-202 has an atomic number of 80, which means it has 80 protons. Neutrons can be calculated by subtracting the atomic number from the atomic mass.

Does Mercury the elemrnt have any isotopes?

Yes, mercury has 7 known isotopes: 202Hg (30%), 200Hg (23%), 199Hg (17%), 201Hg (13%), 198Hg (10%), 204Hg (7%) and 196 Hg (traces).

Disadvantage of mercury on the earth?

You probably mean "abundance of mercury on Earth". Its abundance in Earth's crust is 85 parts per billion by weight, 9 parts per billion by moles. The most abundant naturally forming isotope is 202Hg is at 29.86%.

What is the percent of abundance of mercury on earth?

Less than 0.01 percent.Mercury's abundance in Earth's crust is 85 parts per billion by weight, 9 parts per billion by moles.The most abundant naturally forming isotope is 202Hg is at 29.86%.

Does the element Mercury contain isotopes?

Mercury has isotopes ranging from an atomic mass of 171 to 210. Of these, only 7 are stable and a further 5 have halflives longer than a halfday. The radioactive isotopes are: 171 to 195, 197, 205 to 210. Two of the stable isotopes also have unstable excited forms.

How many neutrons does Mercury have in it?

there are 121 neutrons in Mercury This is CORRECT. The number of protons (80) is equal to the number of electrons and it is also the atomic number. You can figure out the number of neutrons by subtracting the atomic weight by the atomic number. For example: Mercury Atomic number: 80 Atomic weight: 201 --> 201 - 80 = 121 which is the number of neutrons BTW this works with all the elements on the periodic table

Why can two atoms of the same element have different numbers of neutrons but must always have the same number of protons?

Atoms of the same element must have the same number of protons because the number of protons in an atom determines its atomic number and identity as an element. The number of neutrons in an atom can vary, creating different isotopes of the same element with different atomic masses.