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Genetic drift can disrupt genetic equilibrium by causing random fluctuations in allele frequencies within a population. Over time, genetic drift can lead to the loss of alleles, reduced genetic diversity, and potential changes in the population's genetic composition, deviating it from equilibrium.

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2w ago
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2w ago

Genetic drift can disrupt genetic equilibrium by causing random fluctuations in allele frequencies within a population. Over time, genetic drift can lead to the loss of alleles, reduced genetic diversity, and potential changes in the population's genetic composition, deviating it from equilibrium.

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10y ago

because genetic modifications have more allieles than the first and second generation

youre welcome:)

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Q: How would genetic drift affect a population in genetic equilibrium?
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The genetic equilibrium of a population can be disturbed by each except?

The genetic equilibrium of a population can be disturbed by mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and natural selection.

Which factor would most likely disrupt genetic equilibrium in a large population?

Genetic Drift

Why is large population size important in maintaining genetic equilibrium?

A large population size helps to prevent genetic drift, which can lead to changes in allele frequencies and disrupt genetic equilibrium. With a large population, there is a lower chance of random events significantly impacting the gene pool, helping to maintain genetic equilibrium. Additionally, larger populations are more likely to have a diverse range of alleles, reducing the risk of inbreeding.

The situation in which allele frequencies of a population remain constant is called?

That situation is called a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Not actually seen outside of the lab.

One of the conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium is?

One of the conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium is a large population size. This helps to reduce the effects of genetic drift, ensuring that allele frequencies remain stable over generations.

What is is A situation in which a population's frequency of traits remains relatively constant is called?

A situation in which a population's frequency of traits remains relatively constant is known as genetic equilibrium or Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. This equilibrium occurs when no evolutionary forces are acting on the population, such as natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, or gene flow.

How do change Genetic equilibrium lead to speciation?

Allele frequency is altered by genetic drift, natural selection, migration, mutation, or nonrandom mating. This results in a change in genetic equilibrium in a population that is evolving. Evolution leads eventually to speciation.

Genetic equilibrium is the alteration of allelic frequencies by chance processes?

genetic drift

What is The alteration of allelic frequencies by chance processes is known as?

Genetic drift. It refers to the random fluctuation of allele frequencies in a population due to chance events, particularly in small populations. Genetic drift can lead to the loss or fixation of alleles over time.

What types of population does genetic drift affect?

Isolated populations can lose genetic diversity through genetic drift. This is because some alleles can be lost by chance. Many more homozygous individuals are likely.

What would decrease genetic variation in a population?

Inbreeding, genetic drift, and natural selection can decrease genetic variation in a population by reducing the number of different alleles present. These processes can lead to a loss of genetic diversity and increase the prevalence of certain genetic traits within the population.

Which population is a subject to genetic drift?

A large population..