A volcano erupting can have a cooling effect. By putting a lot of dust in the upper atmosphere and reflecting sunlight. This happened fairly recently. Krakatoa blew up in the 1880s and some of the coldest winters on record are 1888-89. A lot of those records still stand today. There are many variables involved with the climate on our planet.
A volcanic eruption can have only a very slight, imperceptible effect on the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide and consequently on global warming. For example, the volcano that erupted in Iceland in 2010 vented between 150,000 and 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per day. This is minuscule compared to emissions from burning fossil fuels, of around 30 billion tonnes per year.
When a volcano erupts, it releases large amounts of ash, gases, and particles into the atmosphere. These particles can reflect sunlight back into space, leading to a temporary cooling effect on the Earth's surface. Additionally, volcanic gases like sulfur dioxide can react with water vapor to form sulfuric acid aerosols, which can contribute to further cooling by enhancing cloud formation.
When very large volcanoes erupt a lot of smoke and ash pollute the air. Usually its very warm so when it rises up above over the city it becomes a bit warmer. Also if the lava and magma flow to many places it can heat the ground and it can spread throughtout the area of eruption. Hope this helps :D
Volcanoes often release gasses when they erupt. Sulfur compounds usually have the greatest effect. A massive eruption, such as the Tambora eruption of 1815, can sent a plume of gas and ash into the stratosphere. The sulfur compounds can stay there for years. reducing the amount of sunligh that reaches the earth's surface and lowering global temperatures.
what would do you if volcano erupted in your city
Global warming and climate chang
The two major global changes affecting the biosphere today are climate change and habitat destruction. Climate change is altering ecosystems and species distributions, while habitat destruction is leading to loss of biodiversity and disruption of ecological balances. Both of these changes are having significant impacts on the health and stability of the biosphere.
They haven't. Scientists agree that global climate change is caused by human burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
Global climate change refers to long-term changes in the Earth's climate system, including temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea level rise. Permafrost, on the other hand, refers to a layer of soil or rock that remains frozen for at least two consecutive years. Global climate change can lead to the thawing of permafrost, which can release stored carbon and methane into the atmosphere, exacerbating climate change.
A big one, the Atmospheric Ash Cloud Belching type.
Volcanos contribute to global warming.
No, volcanoes would have nothing to do with global warming in any measurable way. Volcanoes occur for reasons outside of the issues involved with global warming.
Gasses released by a massive volcanic event can cause catastrophic climate changes. Carbon dioxide will raise global temperatures. while sulfur dioxide will lower temperatures.
what would do you if volcano erupted in your city
Global warming and climate chang
No, this would have no effect on climate. Climate change is caused by global warming.
Climate changes and global warming.
Ozone depletion causes global warming. This can then change the global temperature.
The two major global changes affecting the biosphere today are climate change and habitat destruction. Climate change is altering ecosystems and species distributions, while habitat destruction is leading to loss of biodiversity and disruption of ecological balances. Both of these changes are having significant impacts on the health and stability of the biosphere.
They haven't. Scientists agree that global climate change is caused by human burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.