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Q: How would a shortage of oxygen affect mineral uptake?
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Why does giving roots plenty of oxygen affect the uptake of sulphate ions?

Giving roots plenty of oxygen enhances their metabolic activity, including the production of energy for ion uptake processes. This increased metabolic activity can lead to improved uptake of sulphate ions by the roots as they are actively engaged in absorbing nutrients from the soil. Oxygen also supports the proper functioning of root cells, ensuring efficient transport and assimilation of sulphate ions.

How does caffeine affect the respiration of aquatic species?

Caffeine can negatively impact the respiration of aquatic species by affecting their metabolic rates, disrupting their oxygen uptake processes, and causing respiratory distress. It can lead to decreased oxygen availability in water, which can be harmful to aquatic organisms relying on dissolved oxygen for respiration.

Is turgor important for mineral uptake?

Yes, turgor pressure is important for mineral uptake in plants. It helps in the movement of water and minerals from the soil into the plant roots through osmosis. Turgor pressure also maintains cell rigidity and structure, which is essential for the proper functioning of the root system in absorbing minerals.

What is the relationship between body mass and oxygen uptake?

There is a positive relationship between body mass and oxygen uptake, as larger individuals typically have a higher metabolic rate and therefore require more oxygen to support their physiological processes. However, this relationship is not linear, as factors like fitness level, body composition, and overall health can also influence oxygen uptake.

Why does the root need root hairs for the uptake of water and mineral?

because absorption of water takes place by root hairs in the root

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What trace mineral is involved in the regulation of glucose uptake?

Potassium is the mineral involved in the regulation of glucose uptake.

When resting oxygen uptake is subtracted from maximal oxygen uptake this is known as?

Oxygen uptakr reserve

How does having emphysema affect oxygen uptake in the lungs?

Yes, the alveoli will either break down or fuse. Resulting in a lung that can obtain adequate oxygen levels.

What is responsible for the uptake of oxygen?

calcium is

Why does giving roots plenty of oxygen affect the uptake of sulphate ions?

Giving roots plenty of oxygen enhances their metabolic activity, including the production of energy for ion uptake processes. This increased metabolic activity can lead to improved uptake of sulphate ions by the roots as they are actively engaged in absorbing nutrients from the soil. Oxygen also supports the proper functioning of root cells, ensuring efficient transport and assimilation of sulphate ions.

How might damaged alveoli affect the oxygen level in the blood?

Damaged alveoli can reduce the surface area available for gas exchange, including oxygen uptake. This can lead to decreased oxygen diffusion into the bloodstream, resulting in lower oxygen levels in the blood.

What is called the Ratio between oxygen uptake and oxygen usage?

The ratio between oxygen uptake and oxygen usage is called the respiratory exchange ratio (RER). It is a measure of the ratio of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen consumed during metabolism. This ratio can vary depending on the type of fuel being used by the body for energy.

Is mineral content a limiting factor in soil composition?

Yes, mineral content in soil is a critical factor that can influence plant growth and overall soil health. Mineral deficiencies or imbalances can limit plant nutrient uptake and affect plant development. It is important to maintain proper mineral levels in soil to support healthy plant growth.

How does the thickness of lamellae affect the oxygen uptake by a fish's gills?

Thicker lamellae allow for a larger surface area for oxygen exchange to occur, leading to increased oxygen uptake by a fish's gills. This is important for efficient respiration and meeting the oxygen demands of the fish's body. Thinner lamellae would result in a smaller surface area and potentially limit the fish's capacity to extract oxygen from the water.

Which of the choices below does not describe how recovery oxyen uptake oxygen deficit restores metabolic conditions?

The choice that does not describe how recovery oxygen uptake oxygen deficit restores metabolic conditions is "by decreasing the heart rate." Recovery oxygen uptake oxygen deficit restores metabolic conditions by increasing oxygen consumption and restoring oxygen debt through increased respiration and blood circulation, not by decreasing heart rate.

Why is the Casparian strip advantageous in terms of selective mineral uptake?

The Casparian strip is advantageous for selective mineral uptake because it forces water and minerals to pass through the plasma membrane of endodermal cells, where they can be selectively absorbed. This helps regulate the types and amounts of minerals that enter the plant, preventing toxic buildup and ensuring efficient nutrient uptake.

How does caffeine affect the respiration of aquatic species?

Caffeine can negatively impact the respiration of aquatic species by affecting their metabolic rates, disrupting their oxygen uptake processes, and causing respiratory distress. It can lead to decreased oxygen availability in water, which can be harmful to aquatic organisms relying on dissolved oxygen for respiration.