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A biomass pyramid looks like an energy pyramid, in that the largest biomass is contained in the producer level, and the least biomass is contained in the level of the highest order consumer. Basically, as you move up the energy pyramid, there is less energy available to support the biomass at each subsequent level.

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A pyramid reflecting biomass would show the amount of living organic matter at each trophic level in an ecosystem, whereas an energy pyramid would show the amount of energy transferred between trophic levels. Both pyramids demonstrate a decrease in quantity as you move up trophic levels, but the biomass pyramid takes into account the total mass of all organisms at each level, while the energy pyramid shows the flow of energy.

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Q: How would a pyramid reflecting biomass be similar to or different from an energy pyramid?
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Is the gentic make up in plant similar to that in human being?

The genetic makeup of plants and humans is similar in the sense that both are made up of DNA, which contains the instructions for growth, development, and functioning. However, the specific genes and sequences of DNA in plants and humans are different, reflecting their distinct evolutionary paths and physiological characteristics.

What is the synonym for energy pyramid?

Another name for energy pyramid is ecological pyramid. It is very similar to the food chain. An energy pyramid has producers (green plants) at the bottom and three different types of consumers one above the other namely primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary:primary consumers are herbivores that feed directly on the producers or the green plants. Secondary:These consumers feed on the herbivores. Tertiary:These are consumers that feed on other carnivores and are on top of the energy pyramid. This means they are the last entity in the food chain. Eg: Producers-Grass Primary-Rabbit Secondary-Snake Tertiary-Eagle

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The planets or other cosmic objects are very different, not similar.

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Convergent evolution. It occurs when different species independently evolve similar traits in response to similar environmental pressures, even though they do not share a common ancestor.

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