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map a section of the ocean floor(:


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6d ago

A geographer would use sonar to map the ocean floor topography, study underwater features like trenches or ridges, and create detailed 3D images of submerged landscapes. Sonar is a useful tool for geographers to understand the underwater environment and its characteristics.

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Q: How would a geographer most likely use a sonar to do what task?
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A geographer would most likely use sonar to do what task?

A geographer would most likely use sonar to map the ocean floor or to study underwater landscapes. Sonar technology is commonly used for underwater topographic mapping and to detect underwater features such as trenches, mountains, and ridges.

How would a geographer most likely use a sonar?

A geographer would most likely use sonar to map the ocean floor, measure sea depths, and study underwater landscapes. Sonar technology helps geographers understand the topography of the seabed and identify underwater features such as mountains, canyons, and ridges.

A geographer would most likely use sonar to do which task?

A geographer would most likely use sonar to map the ocean floor and study underwater topography, as sonar can detect and measure the depth of the sea floor by sending sound waves that bounce back to the receiver. This technology is particularly useful for understanding underwater features and can provide valuable data for various geographical and oceanographic research purposes.

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What would a geographer most likely use a GPS for?

A geographer would most likely use a GPS to accurately map and track geographic locations, conduct fieldwork surveys, and navigate through different terrains during research or exploration.

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A geographer (apex)

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A geographer would likely study human geography in depth, which focuses on the spatial patterns and relationships between people and their environment. This may include topics such as population distribution, urbanization, cultural landscapes, and globalization.

When studying ancient civilizations a geographer would most likely look at?

a) Climate influence on food production, b) areas around rivers in the Middle East.

Who was the first person to use sonar in the navy?

Most likely it was some unknown bosun's mate that worked in the sonar lab at the Navy Bureau of Ordinance.

When studying ancient civilization a geographer would be most interested in looking at?

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