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Fire burns away dead material and that allows more room for healthier regrowth

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1w ago

A forest fire can help some organisms by clearing out underbrush and opening up space for new plant growth and regeneration. It can also release nutrients back into the soil, which may benefit certain plant species. Some animals, like certain bird species, may also benefit from the increase in open space and availability of food sources after a fire.

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Many organisms that lived in the forest will not survive! By: Annette(:

What would happen to organisms if a fire occurred in the forest?

Organisms in the forest could die, escape, or be displaced by a fire. Those that can't flee quickly may be injured or killed, but some species have adapted to fire and can benefit from it by regenerating their habitat. The overall impact depends on the intensity, size, and frequency of the fire.

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Why should your friend know about forest fires?

Because the more he knows about forest fires the more likely he is to avoid and survive a forest fire.

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a forest or somewhere very dry

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secondary succession

How long would a forest fire last if it ain't putted out?

If a forest fire ain't putted out then it would get big and burn them trees n grasses and such.

What ecosystems would be damaged the most by a fire?

A Forest .

Which factor will most likely reduce the carrying capacity of a squirrel population in the forest?

Shortage of food

Would a 10x10 block of ice put out a fire if dropped from a place into a forest fire?

the ice would put out the fire right after it melts!

Which sphere of earth would a forest fire affect?

A forest fire would typically affect the biosphere, as it involves the burning of vegetation and can harm the wildlife within the forest ecosystem. Additionally, the atmosphere can be influenced by the smoke and gases released during a forest fire, impacting air quality and potentially contributing to climate change.

A fire burns an oak forest down to bare ground over the next 150 years if the climate remains constant this area most likely?

It will most likely become an oak forest again