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A change in environment can cause organisms to die if they are unable to adjust to the new conditions. For example, extreme temperature changes, lack of essential resources like food or water, or increased levels of toxins can all lead to mortality if the organism cannot adapt quickly enough. Additionally, changes in habitat due to factors like deforestation or pollution can disrupt ecosystems, leading to a decline in population sizes or even extinction for certain species.

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Q: How would a change in environment cause organisms to die?
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How might global warming the evolution of living things?

Those organisms that had variations which caused to survive and be reproductively successful in the changing environment world fulfill the definition of evolution. The change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Perhaps new species would arise from this change and perhaps not. Time and environment would tell.

What effect did climate change have on the evolution?

Climate change can cause various effects. It causes living organisms to move from their natural habitat.

What is essnetial to evolution?

Genetic and morphological variation. Without variation in organisms there would only be the shifts of genetic drift and gene flow in organisms. When organusms are varied then one can be selected from the other by the environment and the organisms ability to reproduce against that environment. Then there is evolution.

What will happened if matter in the abiotic environment wasn't recycled?

If there where no trees in the rainforest's, the nutrient cycle would change rapidly. There would not be as many nutrients. The plants that are in the rainforest's would grow faster, they would also have to adapt to even more rain, as the trees keep some of the rain away from some plants. It would not be as humid there because the understory keeps most of the heat in and under the canopy.

Why cant organisms survive in outer space?

Organisms from earth, cannot live in outer space. They need a stable environment and a place to evolve and reproduce. Outer space, does not have a stable environment it gets hot then cold in a matter of seconds. If you really think about it, what would the organisms eat? There's nothing in outer space that would provide them with food.

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Which condition would cause an ecosystem to become unstable?

Only heterotrophic organisms remain after a change in the environment

How can recycling change the environment?

Recycling will cause less waste. That would cause less problems.

How might global warming the evolution of living things?

Those organisms that had variations which caused to survive and be reproductively successful in the changing environment world fulfill the definition of evolution. The change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Perhaps new species would arise from this change and perhaps not. Time and environment would tell.

List some nonliving factors in the environment that can cause change in species over several generations?

Some nonliving factors in the environment that can cause change in species over several generations would be climate and water. Water can cause animals to create gills and climate can change the outside of organisms.

Group of organisms that have adapted to environment?

It's fair to say that all organisms have adapted to their environment, else they would not be living there.

Which organisms would thrive in a colder environment?

the desert

What effect did climate change have on the evolution?

Climate change can cause various effects. It causes living organisms to move from their natural habitat.

Why do some oragnisms fail to change significantly througout geological time?

Organisms change significantly, or evolve in biological terms, only when there is a need for significant change. An example would be a natural disaster occurring, causing the founder effect or vast changes in the environment. This change in the environment might force a species to evolve unable to survive; those who don't have the needed adaptation would die out, leaving the "survivors" to reproduce. If no drastic change that would cause a need for adaptation occurred through geological time that pertained to a certain species, then no drastic change in the species itself would occur.

What is the change in the environment that would cause the leaves to drop?

it could be the shortening of the day or the drop in temp. depends on the plant species

Can oxygen cause extinction?

Yes - and it did - billions of years ago. Oxygen is toxic to many anaerobic organisms (mostly bacteria), which is why hydrogen peroxide is effective. BUT in todays environment it would not cause any extinctions.

What local industries pump materials into the atmosphere to create a drastic pH change in rain water?

It would cause a disruption in the balance of the environment. Animals would die off from the toxic rain water, then other animals would die due to the lack of food. This would cause a collapse in the environment's food chain. Also, the toxic rain water would kill some plants, and make other toxic. The environment would die quickly from the acidity or basic parts of the rain water.

How does cheetahs change the environment?

cheetahs would be around about 3rd order consumers, they consume other organisms, using this energy. when the cheetah dies, it decomposes and the energy is returned to the environment, thus maintaining energy gain and loss in an ecosystem.