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Q: How will you test which will dissolve faster rock salt or crushed salt?
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What dissolve faster in water CRYSTAL of table salt or the same amount of crushed salt?

Crushed salt will dissolve faster as it has a larger surface area providing more contact with the water.

Which dissolve faster granules of table salt or crushed salt?

Granules of table salt dissolve faster than crushed salt because the granules have a larger surface area for water to come into contact with, allowing for quicker dissolution. Crushed salt has smaller particles that require more time for water molecules to penetrate and dissolve the salt.

What dissolves faster in a cold water crushed salt or rock salt?

Crushed salt dissolves faster in cold water compared to rock salt. This is because crushed salt has a larger surface area for water molecules to come in contact with, facilitating faster dissolution. Rock salt, on the other hand, has a smaller surface area which slows down the dissolution process.

Which salt dissolve faster rock salt or the crystals salt?

rock salt dissolves faster than crystal i did a science experement on it in school

Which will dissolve faster rock salt or iodized salt?

Iodized salt will dissolve faster in water than rock salt. This is because iodized salt has smaller particle size compared to rock salt, allowing it to dissolve more quickly due to the increased surface area exposed to the solvent.

Does rock salt or sea salt dissolve faster?

Any difference exist.

Why do you crush rock salt?

It is more simple to dissolve or to refine powdered materials.

Does rock salt dissolve faster in hot water or lukewarm water or cold water?

Rock salt dissolves fastest in hot water.

Why does table salt dissolve rapidly in water?

Because the crystals of the table salt are smaller and the speed of solving depend on the surface area of the material (smaller crystals mean a greatest surface area); dissolution takes place at the surface of the solid.

Why did the iodized salt dissolve faster than the rock salt?

At equivalent temperature and size of the crystals any difference exist.

Does rock salt dissolve in water?

Yes. Rock salt, which is largely the same as table salt, will dissolve in water.

Which will dissolve faster in liquids salt or sugar?

Sugar should dissolve faster in a liquid.