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Tin cans were used as a way to preserve and store food such as canned fruits, vegetables, and meats. They revolutionized food preservation and distribution by allowing goods to be transported long distances without spoilage. Tin cans made it easier for people to have access to a wider variety of foods and helped to prevent food shortages during times of scarcity.

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Q: How were tin cans used back then?
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Related questions

Can you get tin can poison from a can?

Tin can poisoning was from the lead (metal) that used to be used to seal tin cans. It is no longer used.

What are tin cans used for?

They are used for storing food.

What is the use of tin?

Tin is commonly used in the production of solder, which is used in electronics to join metal components. It is also used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion, and in the manufacturing of tin cans for food packaging. Additionally, tin compounds are used in the production of various chemicals and as catalysts in industrial processes.

What metal is used for making cans?


What are tin cans made from?

Mostly now, aluminum is used to make cans.

What is uses of Tin?

Tin is commonly used for making beverage cans and bakeware.

What things are made from tin?

There are many stuff prepared using TIN and we use them in our daily lifer as well. Some examples are:=1. Tin boxes; used for keeping things in it.2. Metal ducts;they are made up of tin used while ducting is done.3. Cans;used for containing the soft drinks.and many more.....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What metal is used to coat cans?

Tin is the metal that is used to coat cans. The tin on the metal can acts a barrier to keep water and air away from the contents of the can.

What protect the inside of the metal cans?

tin is used to protect the inside of metal cans

What kind of metal is used in soup cans?


What are some household items made out of tin?

tin foil, tin cans, rubbage cans, tin statues, tin mint cans (pokemon tins, mint tins), ...

Why is tin used to coat cans?

Tin is used to coat cans for food and beverage storage because it is non-toxic and does not react with acidic foods. It helps prevent corrosion and extends the shelf life of the products inside the cans. Tin also gives the cans a shiny appearance.