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The best supported theory, ie the one with the most evidence, is that humans and apes both evolved from a common ancestor.

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4d ago

The theory of evolution suggests that humans evolved from earlier primates over millions of years through a process of natural selection. This means that humans share a common ancestor with other primates, such as apes and monkeys. The theory of evolution is supported by a wide range of scientific evidence from fields such as Paleontology, genetics, and comparative anatomy.

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Q: How were humans created eg apes monkeys or god or evolved on our own?
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What evidence is against humans evolving?

The evidence against human evolution mainly comes from individuals who reject the theory of natural selection and believe in the concept of intelligent design or creationism. They argue that certain features of humans, such as the complexity of the eye or the genetic code, cannot have evolved gradually through natural processes and must have been designed by an intelligent creator. However, the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence supports the theory of evolution by natural selection as the best explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.

What is wrong with the statement 'monkeys evolved into humans?

Humans share a common ancestor with apes and monkeys. Apes and monkeys are more like our cousins than our grandparents. Thus present day monkeys can not be our ancestors, humans can not be evolved from monkeys.

Were you monkeys before?

No one can say for sure. Scientists believe that humans evolved from apes and monkeys. Religious groups believe that God created monkeys and humans separately. There is no specific evidence to support either of these claims, so no one knows whether people were once monkeys that evolved in time or not.

Are monkeys related to humans?

Yes, we both evolved from a common ancestor (which no longer exists).

Are chimpanzee's apes or monkeys?

chimpanzees are monkeys no, chimpanzees are apes and not monkeys

What are you evolved from?

Well people say that humans evolve from monkeys but life on Earth has evolved through billions of years through small microorganism's. Also humans didn't evolve from apes, we evolved from a common ancestor but we just evolved in a different way to apes due to environment e.g. food, predators etc

How can humans be related to monkey's when there are still monkey'sin the world?

Millions of years ago, there was a species that is the common ancestor of apes and humans. The range of that species was split somehow. One part of the population evolved into humans. The other part evolved into apes. Hence, the apes and monkeys that are alive today are not our direct ancestors, but our evolutionary cousins.

Why might Christians reject the theory that human being evolved from apes?

well most Christians do not think that humans evolved from apes because in the bible it says that god created humans from himself.

Is it weird to love monkeys?

We have a common ancestor.We evolved from apes, that's why we are classified as apes today.Apes evolved from monkeys, that makes apes a type of monkey.Therefore humans are a type of monkey.We are also a type of verterbrate, simian, mammal, great ape etc etc etc Humans are NOT a type of monkey but are a type of ape. apes and monkeys are both primates and have a common but apes are not monkeys, apes didnt evolve from monkeys either but share a relatively recent common ancestor. humans are apes.

Is an ape the first form of a human?

Humans evolved from apes. So Apes came first.

Are humans from monkey?

Well, Monkeys and apes are from the same ancestors. We are not from monkeys.

Are apes from god?

It depends on what you believe. Many religions and religious divisions believe that apes originated, along with everything else, from a Creator, or ultimate being. Modern science tells a different story, that apes evolved from monkeys, that evolved from a versatile, rodent-like animal, which evolved, if you go far enough back, from prokaryotic cells that emerged from puddles of amino acids. Whether apes were created or evolved is sometimes subject to debate. Some religions claim that humans are "Made in God's image." Since humans are a species of ape, you could indeed say that apes are 'from God.'