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Q: How were farmers affected in the duet bowl?
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How were farmers affected in the dust bowl?

Farmers were severely affected during the Dust Bowl as their crops were destroyed, leading to widespread crop failures and economic hardship. The soil erosion caused by the dust storms also damaged farmland and reduced agricultural productivity, forcing many farmers to abandon their land and livelihoods.

As a result of the Dust Bowl many farmers became what?

Many farmers affected by the Dust Bowl became unemployed, homeless, and impoverished. Some left their farms to seek work elsewhere, while others were forced to rely on government assistance to survive.

How were farmers affected by the dust bowl?

The steel plow had just been invented and it ripped through the top soil and grass. This made the earth and soil VERY loose. The dirt created the dust bowl, because all over farmers were buying the steel plows, they were less work. During the dust bowl dust and soil covered EVERYTHING in the south. The farmers couldn't hardly keep anything they planted alive because it would be covered in dirt. Dust storms killed alot of crop and covered not only crop but houses. So it affected farmers by killing crop. At lease if the farmers were in the south it did. They could not pay their loans or afford to buy basics.

Which book describes how the Dust Bowl of the 1930s affected farmers of the Great Plains?

"The Worst Hard Time" by Timothy Egan is a book that vividly describes the impact of the Dust Bowl on farmers in the Great Plains during the 1930s. It explores the environmental devastation, economic hardships, and human resilience of those who lived through this challenging period in American history.

What caused the dust bowl and what states were most affected by it?

The Dust Bowl was caused by an incredibly severe drought. The states most affected were Texas and Oklahoma.

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What area did the dust bowl effect the most?

it affected the farms and people.

How are farmers affected in the Dust Bowl?

They could not repay the loans or afford to buy basic necessities

Who did the Dust Bowl affect the most?

it affected the people whodidn't have alot of money or a home .

Why did some farmers leave in the affected area of the dust bowl?

I think some farmers left because they could not grow crops and did not have money to get food.

How were farmers affected in the dust bowl?

Farmers were severely affected during the Dust Bowl as their crops were destroyed, leading to widespread crop failures and economic hardship. The soil erosion caused by the dust storms also damaged farmland and reduced agricultural productivity, forcing many farmers to abandon their land and livelihoods.

As a result of the Dust Bowl many farmers became what?

Many farmers affected by the Dust Bowl became unemployed, homeless, and impoverished. Some left their farms to seek work elsewhere, while others were forced to rely on government assistance to survive.

How were farmers affected in the dustbowl?

Farmers in the Dust Bowl were severely affected by crop failures, soil erosion, and dust storms that destroyed their livelihoods. Many farmers lost their farms due to the harsh conditions, displacement, and financial strain caused by the prolonged drought and loss of fertile land. The impact was devastating, leading to widespread poverty, malnutrition, and migration in the affected regions.

How were farmers affected by the dust bowl?

The steel plow had just been invented and it ripped through the top soil and grass. This made the earth and soil VERY loose. The dirt created the dust bowl, because all over farmers were buying the steel plows, they were less work. During the dust bowl dust and soil covered EVERYTHING in the south. The farmers couldn't hardly keep anything they planted alive because it would be covered in dirt. Dust storms killed alot of crop and covered not only crop but houses. So it affected farmers by killing crop. At lease if the farmers were in the south it did. They could not pay their loans or afford to buy basics.

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Who was hurt worse by the dust bowl?

Farmers, it was a severe drought which they had to deal with, thus, they had to move to CA or other states/places not affected by it. Read "The Grapes of Wrath," by John Steinbeck.

Who were the Okies?

Oklahoma Dust Bowl farmers who migrated to California to find work.