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The spectrum of object glowing because of their temperature -- a phenomena called "blackbody radiation" -- was a (no pun intended) "hot topic" in the late 1800s. Because all types of matter was found to have the same spectrum at the same temperature (more or less), it was felt that understanding BBR would give insight into the basic nature of matter.

Developing an explanation for what was seen in experiments frustrated the scientific community so much that Max Planck decided to see if he could develop a mathematical explanation. He found he could mathematically explain the spectrum by assuming that the light coming from a blackbody came in discrete parts (he called them "quanta") where the energy of each quanta was equal to a constant 'h' times the frequency of that light, What he never considered was that his mathematical explanation was what actually WAS HAPPENING -- that light really DOES come in quanta. The constant that he used to derive his formula is now called "Planck's Constant," and it is a fundamental aspect of the Universe we happen to live in.

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Planck's constant (h) was discovered by German physicist Max Planck in 1900 while trying to solve problems with the ultraviolet catastrophe and black-body radiation. He introduced the concept of quantization of energy, suggesting that energy can only exist in discrete units called quanta. This led to the formula E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency, revolutionizing the field of physics and laying the foundation for quantum theory.

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Why LED is used to determine planks constant?

LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are used in determining the Planck constant because they emit light at specific frequencies when electrical current is applied. By measuring the voltage needed to produce light of a known frequency, the relationship between energy and frequency can be studied, allowing for the accurate determination of the Planck constant.

When did max plank discover the quantum theory?

Max Planck discovered that radiant energy was a proportional to the frequency of the radiation, E=hf and the constant of proportionality is Planck' Constant, h.

Diferentiate between isotonic and esometric excises?

Isotonic exercises involve movement of a joint and a change in the length of the muscle during contraction, such as bicep curls. Isometric exercises involve holding a position without joint movement, with the muscle remaining at a constant length, such as planks.

Who discovered equilibrium in 1803?

The concept of chemical equilibrium was discovered by the French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet in 1803. He observed that some chemical reactions reach a state where the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time.

What are the units for planks constant?

Planck's Constant units are energy-seconds. Planck's Constant is the product of two fundamental Quantum constants, W and C. W is the magnetic charge of "free space" and C is the electric charge of "free space". The value of W= 500 atto Webers and C= 4/3 atto Coulombs. The "free space" impedance z is the ratio of the two quantum constants z=W/C = 375 Ohms.

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What is the value of planks constant?

6.626x10-34 m2kg/s is the value of Plank's constant.

Unit of planks constant?

meter2 - kilogram per second

Is gas constant equal to planks constant?

No, gas constant is having a value of 8.314Jk-1mol-1 Whereas plancks constant has a value of 6.6*10-31

What is the significance of the planks constant?

Planck's Constant (abbreviated as 'h'), when first "discovered," was found to be the ratio of the energy of an individual photon to the frequency of that photon's light. In other words, the energy of a photon is equal to h times the photon's frequency. It has since been found that h fits into a wide variety of formula that allow us to understand the Universe we happen to live in. Without this constant, a lot of our Universe would be incomprehensible.

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A scientist named proust discovered it in 1779 A.D.

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Sir. Isaac Newton discovered the formula with the universal gravitational constant.

How do you spell ceder planks?

cedar planks

When was golden ratio discovered?

i think sometimes paramiter became constant

What is the physical significance of planks constant?

Planck's constant represents the fundamental unit of energy in quantum mechanics. It determines the relationship between the energy of a photon and its frequency. This constant is crucial in understanding the behavior of microscopic particles at the quantum level.