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the bacterial insulin is just human like insulin that cause no allergic reaction but earlier the insulin used was animal insulin

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3mo ago

Before genetically modified organisms, insulin was primarily produced from the pancreas of slaughtered pigs and cows. The insulin was extracted, purified, and then administered to Diabetes patients. This method was less efficient and more expensive compared to the production of genetically modified insulin.

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12y ago

It was created rocks that were eaten by crocodiles

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It was harvested from moon rocks that fell from jupiter

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Q: How was insulin produced before genetically modified?
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How is genetically modified cotton made?

Genetically modified cotton is made by introducing specific genes into the cotton plant's DNA using biotechnology techniques. Typically, genes that convey desirable traits such as resistance to pests or herbicides are inserted into the cotton plant's genome. The genetically modified cotton plants are then grown and selected for desired characteristics.

Which organelles are responsible for the synthesis insulin?

The endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are the organelles responsible for synthesizing insulin in pancreatic beta cells. Insulin is initially synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum as preproinsulin, which is then modified in the Golgi apparatus to form mature insulin before being secreted from the cell.

Which form of insulin is a clear solution?

Rapid-acting insulins such as insulin lispro, insulin aspart, and insulin glulisine are clear solutions. These insulins are designed to work quickly after injection, making them suitable for controlling blood sugar levels before or after meals.

What if your blood glucose is 6.0millimols should you administer insulin?

It depends on factors such as your target range, current symptoms, and individual insulin regimen. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider before administering insulin based on a single blood glucose reading.

How is mRNA produced in a cell?

mRNA is produced through a process called transcription, which occurs in the nucleus of a cell. During transcription, the DNA sequence of a gene is copied into a complementary mRNA sequence by RNA polymerase enzyme. This mRNA transcript is then processed and modified before it is transported out of the nucleus to be translated into protein in the cytoplasm.

Related questions

Was Monsanto always a developer of genetically modified organisms?

No. Monsanto produced chemicals such as weed killers like Round-up before they branched into the GMO industry.

Concerns with gentically engineered insulin?

Apart from idealogical concerns there shouldn't be any. Genetically engineered insulin is much, much safer than extracting insulin from pig's panreas as they did before they isolated the human insulin gene.

Who discovered genetically modified organisms and when?

No one discovered genetically modified organisms. Such organisms are created by people working in laboratories. In 1953 it was discovered that DNA is the material that carries genes, the information that defines and structures each organism. For the next 50 years people worked to understand DNA and eventually learned how to modify it, in some circumstances. When such a modification is successful, the result is an organism that has been genetically modified - a genetically modified organism.

Genetically engineered insulin advantages and disadvantages?

Zade Lunat *the advantage is that it is the only viable source of clinical quantities of human insulin. Before it's FDA approval for Genetech patients would inject animal insulin purified from animal tissue. Disadvantages? From the frame of mind that is the ONLY source of externally provided human insulin it is hard to attribute disadvantages.

Are orange flavored craisins genetically modified?

It depends on who makes them, but normally the craisins are just soaked in an orange juice concentrate before being dried.

What microbe is used in car fuels?

The microbe is R. eutropha and it has been genetically modified to produce biofuel. However, there is a long way to go before it is produced in large quantizes. And even then vehicles will also have to be changed. There is hope that the same microbe will be able to use carbon dioxide.

What are the disadvantages of GM crops?

Gm crops are the genetically modified crops of food so they dont rot before there sell by date. they are enjected with a gene from another plant.

How is genetically modified cotton made?

Genetically modified cotton is made by introducing specific genes into the cotton plant's DNA using biotechnology techniques. Typically, genes that convey desirable traits such as resistance to pests or herbicides are inserted into the cotton plant's genome. The genetically modified cotton plants are then grown and selected for desired characteristics.

What is the most common genetically modified food?

Assuming that you mean the first crop with non-natural genetic material inserted artificially by humans, the first genetically modified crop was tobacco, with the first plants having been created in 1982.

Which organelles are responsible for the synthesis insulin?

The endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are the organelles responsible for synthesizing insulin in pancreatic beta cells. Insulin is initially synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum as preproinsulin, which is then modified in the Golgi apparatus to form mature insulin before being secreted from the cell.

How are gm foods made?

GMOs are genetically modified organisms. In general they are made by taking DNA from a source and putting it into the cells of a target organism to produce a desired trait. More specifically, in crops a gene from a bacteria or other organism is forced into the cells of the plant to produce a desired trait. Often the trait is either resistance to a herbicide or production of a substance in the plant itself to kill insects.

What are the ethics on genetically modified food?

Ethics on genetically modified foods have more to do with how they have been approved and possible improprieties by the developers of GMOs and government agencies than the technology. Many cite lack of long-term studies (environmental, human, and animal) before GMO crops were approved by the USDA and also the FDA, leaving questions about any possible effects of genetically modified plants and foods on our planet and lives. Ethical issues also arise concerning what is referred to as the "revolving door" between biotech companies and government regulatory agencies. Some have questioned the validity of early studies which were done by the biotech companies and also issues related to the way the foods are approved.