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I need the answer just as much as you do but if i were to guess i'd say it would have something to do with the feeding of the organisms.

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1mo ago

The universal solvent, water, plays a crucial role in living organisms by facilitating important biological processes such as nutrient transportation, waste removal, and temperature regulation. Water also acts as a medium for chemical reactions to occur within cells, making it essential for life as we know it.

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7y ago

Water is a good solvent for many biochemical compounds.

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Q: How the universal solvent affects living organisms?
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What role does water play in living organisms?

Water is essential for life as it serves as a universal solvent, participating in metabolic reactions, maintaining cell structure, and regulating body temperature. It also helps in transporting nutrients and wastes within organisms. Overall, water is crucial for the survival and functioning of living organisms.

What is the importance of universal solvent?

Water is often referred to as the "universal solvent" because it has the ability to dissolve a wide range of substances due to its polar nature. This property is crucial for transporting nutrients in living organisms, facilitating chemical reactions, and serving as a medium for biological processes. The universal solvent property of water is essential for sustaining life on Earth.

Why is water after called universal solvent?

Water is often referred to as the universal solvent because it has the ability to dissolve a wide variety of substances due to its polarity and molecular structure. The polar nature of water allows it to attract and surround ions and polar molecules, facilitating their dissolution. This makes water an excellent solvent for many different compounds, making it essential for various chemical and biological processes.

Why is it important to living things that water is a good solvent?

Water is used as a solvent because it can dissolve other polar substances and many ionic substances. It is often called the universal solvent. However, water does not dissolve polar substances and some ionic substances.

What compound is found in every living Cell?

Water is the compound found in every living cell. It serves as a universal solvent and is essential for various biochemical reactions and cellular functions.

Related questions

Why is water after called universal solvent?

Water is often referred to as the universal solvent because it has the ability to dissolve a wide variety of substances due to its polarity and molecular structure. The polar nature of water allows it to attract and surround ions and polar molecules, facilitating their dissolution. This makes water an excellent solvent for many different compounds, making it essential for various chemical and biological processes.

Is water the gift of life?

That is because water is a universal solvent and essential for living. Its believed that all life form evolved from water, so water is the origin of organisms existence.

Why is water the gift of life?

Water is essential for all forms of life as it plays a key role in various biological processes. It helps regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients to cells, remove waste products, and maintain overall hydration. Without water, life as we know it would not be sustainable.

What role does water play in living organisms?

Water is essential for life as it serves as a universal solvent, participating in metabolic reactions, maintaining cell structure, and regulating body temperature. It also helps in transporting nutrients and wastes within organisms. Overall, water is crucial for the survival and functioning of living organisms.

The important solvent associated with living things is?

Water is the important solvent associated with living things. It plays a crucial role in various biological processes like transportation of nutrients, chemical reactions, and waste removal in organisms.

Is known as the universal solvent because it dissolves more solutes than any other solvent?

Water is known as the universal solvent because of its ability to dissolve a wide variety of solutes due to its polar nature and ability to form hydrogen bonds with other substances. This makes it a key component in many biochemical reactions and processes in living organisms.

How does the universal solvent help living things?

The universal solvent, water, helps living things by dissolving and transporting essential nutrients, minerals, and substances needed for biological processes in cells. It also helps regulate body temperature, facilitate chemical reactions, and acts as a medium for various biological processes to occur. Water's ability to dissolve a wide range of substances makes it crucial for the survival and functioning of living organisms.

Is water called the universal solute because it dissolves many substances?

The substances that are important to living things and can be dissolved by water, a.k.a. "universal solvent," are easily soluble. The substances that are important to living things are most likely usually positive rather than negative.

How does light affect life in the oceans?

basically it affects the different types of organisms living there. basically it affects the different types of organisms living there. photosenthesys is also present when sunlight is.

How is oxygen and water alike?

Oxygen and water are both essential for sustaining life. Oxygen is a component of water molecules and is also needed for cellular respiration in living organisms. Water, on the other hand, is composed of oxygen and hydrogen atoms and serves as a universal solvent for many biochemical reactions in living organisms.

What is the universal currency of energy in living organisms?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the universal currency of energy in living organisms. ATP is produced during cellular respiration and is used to power cellular processes and activities.

Why is it important to living things that water is a good solvent?

Water is used as a solvent because it can dissolve other polar substances and many ionic substances. It is often called the universal solvent. However, water does not dissolve polar substances and some ionic substances.