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They are related by Hamda+A

its also related by transferring waves to the cup thats fill with water

so yeah

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3w ago

The appearance of a pencil (e.g., bending when immersed in water) is due to the change in speed of light waves as they pass from one medium to another. This change causes the light waves to refract, leading to the appearance of the pencil being altered from the observer's perspective.

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Q: How the appearance of the pencil and the change in speed of the light waves relate?
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Where do the light waves change speed from a pencil?

Light waves change speed when they travel from air into the material of the pencil, and then change speed again when they exit the pencil back into the air. This change in speed causes the light waves to refract or bend.

How does the appearance of the pencil depend on level the of water in the glass changes?

When a pencil is placed in a glass of water, the appearance of the pencil can change due to refraction. The water acts as a lens, bending the light as it passes from the air to the water and then back to the air. This refraction can make the pencil appear bent or broken when viewed from certain angles.

Why does a pencil seem to be split in to 2 when it is in water?

When a pencil is placed in water, light waves are refracted as they pass through the water, causing the pencil to appear bent or split. This is due to the change in speed of light as it moves from one medium (air) to another (water), creating an optical illusion that makes the pencil look split.

How do the light waves coming from the pencil change speeds?

When light waves enter a material like glass or water, they slow down due to interactions with the atoms in the material. This change in speed is related to the optical density of the material, causing the light waves to bend, i.e., refract. Once the light waves exit the material, they resume their original speed in the air.

What effect would a pencil have on the brightness of a bulb?

A pencil would not have any effect on the brightness of a bulb. Pencils do not conduct electricity, so they would not change the flow of electricity to affect the bulb's brightness.

Related questions

How the appearance of the pencil and the change in speed of the light waves are related?

The appearance of the pencil is due to how light is reflected off its surface. When light waves hit the pencil, they can be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The change in speed of the light waves as they pass through the material of the pencil can affect how much light is reflected and perceived by our eyes, resulting in the appearance of the pencil.

Does a pencil remain the same when it is dipped in a glass of water?

No, the pencil will appear larger and distorted when it is dipped in a glass of water due to refraction of light. The change in appearance is caused by the bending of light as it passes from air to water, making the pencil look bent or broken.

How do the light waves coming from the pencil change speeds?

When light waves enter a material like glass or water, they slow down due to interactions with the atoms in the material. This change in speed is related to the optical density of the material, causing the light waves to bend, i.e., refract. Once the light waves exit the material, they resume their original speed in the air.

Where do the light waves change speed from a pencil?

Light waves change speed when they travel from air into the material of the pencil, and then change speed again when they exit the pencil back into the air. This change in speed causes the light waves to refract or bend.

Why did the light bulb change brightness along the pencil?

because the pencil take the a litte enrgy.

Why does a yellow pencil appear yellow?

A yellow pencil appears yellow because it reflects yellow light waves while absorbing other colors. The pigment or dye used to color the pencil is designed to selectively reflect yellow light, giving it its yellow appearance.

Where do the light waves coming from the pencil change speed?

The light waves coming from the pencil change speed when they move from air (faster speed) to the glass or water (slower speed). This change in speed causes the light waves to refract or bend.

What is light refraction used for?

Refraction of light allows for the change of appearance of an object

Why does a pencil look broken when placed in water?

When a pencil is placed in water, the light passing through the water is refracted differently than in air, causing the pencil to appear bent or broken at the water's surface. This bending of light is due to the change in speed of light as it moves from air into water, creating an optical illusion.

Why does a pencil immersed obliquely in water appear bent and short explain?

When light travels from water to air, it changes speed and bends, causing the pencil to appear bent. This effect is known as refraction. The change in speed causes the light rays from the pencil to change direction as they pass through the interface between water and air, creating the illusion of a bent pencil.

Why when a pencil is in water it looks like if it's broken?

When a pencil is placed in water, light passing from air to water through the water's surface is refracted due to the change in speed. This refraction causes the light rays from the pencil to bend at different angles, making the pencil appear broken at the water's surface.

Is a pencil a source of light?

No, a pencil is not a source of light. It is used for writing or drawing on surfaces but does not emit light.