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as the temperature increases the width of depletion layer decreases

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4mo ago

As temperature increases, the depletion layer width in a semiconductor decreases due to the increased thermal energy disrupting the balance of charges within the material. This disrupts the formation of the electric field that maintains the width of the depletion layer, causing it to shrink. Conversely, at lower temperatures, the depletion layer tends to widen as charges are less mobile and the electric field is more pronounced.

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What effect of depletion layer by biasing?

on forward biasing width of the depletion layer decreases whereas on reverse biasing the width of depletion layer increases.

If the impurity concentration is increased how the depletion width effected?

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How does doping effect the depletion layer in semiconductor?

Width of depletion layer is given by x = (2*ebsylum*Vb).5/(qN) x = width Vb = potential barrier q = charge of electron N = doping concentration. Thus increase in doping will reduce width of depletion layer.

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The gate voltage controls the extent of depletion layer and thereby controls the width of the channel. As the width of the channel varies, current also varies. Width of the channel is inversly proportional to drain current.

What is the thickness of the depletion layer in a semiconductor?

The thickness of the depletion region or depletion layer (and there are other terms) varies as the design of the semiconductor. The layers in a semiconductor are "grown" (usually by deposition), and this can be controlled. The typical depletion region thickness in an "average" junction diode is about a micron, or 10-6 meters. Junction "construction" presents major engineering considerations to those who design and make semiconductors as there are many different kinds. A link is provided to the section on the width of depletion regions in the Wikipedia article on that topic.

Why Reduction in Depletion region width with increase in doping?

Because Reverse bias constrained the majority carries to repel from both side (P side & N side)hence Depletion layer is formed with a large extant of majority carriers hence the depletion region is wider in reverse bias.

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0.1 micron

How depletion width varies with biasing voltage?

when the diode is applied forward bias voltage the width of depletion region gets reduced the barrier voltage decreases there by facilitating the easy exchange of holes and electrons. when the diode is reverse biased the width of depletion region increases there by hindering the flow or exchange of charge carriers.

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in forward biasing depletion region width decreases and in reverse biasing it increases .

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Explain the formation of depletion layer in pn junction diode?

hey dear, in p-n junction p-type material has more positive charged called holes and n-side having e-in majority... when we apply negative biasing then negative terminal is connected to p terminal then holes are attracted by negative terminal and e's are attracted by positive terminals.....and minority carries are forced towards junction, then at junction electron and hole pair generation occurs. after this at junction charge is accumulated by attraction and junction is get wider by a small amount that is called as depletion layer...... now you can understand how depletion layer is created..

Does depletion region width becomes zero?

Exactly in forward bias wen internal barrier potential is compensated by external voltage.,