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Q: How subduction produces magma?
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Where is andesitic magma found?

Andesitic magma is commonly found in subduction zones where oceanic crust is being forced beneath continental crust. These environments are typically associated with volcanic arcs and stratovolcanoes. Examples of where andesitic magma is found include the Andes Mountains in South America and the Cascades in the western United States.

Why do volcanoes form above subduction zones?

Volcanoes form above subduction zones because as one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, the subducted plate melts due to the high pressure and heat. This molten rock then rises to the surface, creating magma chambers that eventually erupt as volcanoes.

What boudaries produces volcanoes?

Volcanoes are commonly found along tectonic plate boundaries, including convergent plate boundaries where one plate subducts under another, and divergent plate boundaries where plates move apart. Hotspots, where magma rises from deep within the Earth's mantle, can also create volcanic activity away from plate boundaries.

What process is evident at oceanic trenches?

subduction, which is when one tectonic plate is pushed down beneath another tectonic plate.

What was obsidian before it was obsidian?

It was liquid rock (magma) which solidified after an extrusion or eruption. Crustal rocks can re-dissolve into magma during subduction of oceanic crust.

What type of magma produces pahoehoe?

Pahoehoe is typically formed from low-viscosity basaltic magma that is rich in iron and magnesium. This type of magma allows for the smooth, rope-like texture characteristic of pahoehoe lava flows.

Magma that is low in silica and produces nonexplosive eruptions?

Low viscosity mafic magma.

What rock would probably form if magma that was feeding volcanoes above subduction zones solidified at consideration depth?

A type of rock that would likely form from magma solidifying at considerable depth beneath subduction zones is basalt. Basalt is a common igneous rock formed from the solidification of mafic magma, which is typical of volcanic activity at subduction zones. It is fine-grained and commonly found in the oceanic crust formed at these zones.

What is the difference between subduction and convection?

Subduction is the process where one tectonic plate moves beneath another plate at a convergent boundary, leading to the recycling of Earth's crust. Convection is the transfer of heat energy within a fluid (such as the mantle of the Earth) through the movement of the fluid itself, creating circular currents that drive plate tectonics.

How does magma become a igneous rock?

Igneous rock, if heated sufficiently by subduction processes will melt to form magma.

What happens to magma when it produces igneous rocks?

The transition form magma to rock is a process of cooling.

How do subduction lead to volcanoes?

Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate moves beneath another. The sinking plate melts due to the high pressure and temperature, forming magma. As the magma rises to the surface, it can lead to the formation of volcanoes through volcanic eruptions.