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A human karyotype typically consists of 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes (XX for females, XY for males), totaling 46 chromosomes. The chromosomes should be arranged in size order, with the sex chromosomes typically shown separately. Abnormalities in chromosome number or structure can lead to genetic disorders.

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Q: How should a human karyotype look like?
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What would the karyotype look like for a male where would the chromosome be?

A male's karyotype typically consists of 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, XY. The chromosomes would be arranged from largest to smallest, with the sex chromosomes at the end. So, the karyotype for a male would show 46 chromosomes, arranged with the XY sex chromosomes in the 23rd pair.

What did human on Mars look like?

So far, no humans have been to Mars. We will have to wait for someone to get there to find out what they'll look like.

Can you eat fireworks?

No, fireworks are not edible and should not be consumed. Fireworks contain chemicals and substances that are not safe for human consumption and can be harmful if swallowed. Eating fireworks can cause serious health issues and should be avoided at all costs.

What do normal Karyotype look like?

A normal karyotype typically consists of 46 chromosomes, arranged in 23 pairs. Of these pairs, 22 are autosomes, and the 23rd pair consists of the sex chromosomes (XX for females and XY for males). The chromosomes are organized in a specific order based on size and shape, allowing for visual analysis of any structural or numerical abnormalities.

What does a non-human from district 9 look like?

A non-human from District 9 would resemble a humanoid alien with insect-like features, including a crustacean-like body, tentacles, and a prawn-like appearance. They typically have a rough, exoskeleton skin and exhibit advanced technology capabilities.

Related questions

What would trisomy 21 look like in a karyotype?

The trisomy 21 in a karyotype would look like extra chromosome 21 I ^^

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They look like ovals.

Can a karyotype determine eye color?

No, a karyotype cannot determine eye color. A karyotype is a visualization of the number and appearance of an individual's chromosomes, while eye color is determined by specific genetic variations in genes such as OCA2 and HERC2.

Will a karyotype of a 14 year old look different from a 60 year old?


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a Karyotype

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Can A doctor can look at the chromosomes of a cell in a karyotype.?

I am not sure but I think yes a doctor could look sorry could be much of help

What did Odysseus look like?

A human

Will the karyotype of a 14 year old look different from that of a 60 year old?

Absolutely not, karyotype is not affected by age. The spread of a 14 yr old's chromosomal DNA will look exactly the same as a 60 yr old's to the naked eye unless certain diseases are present.

How do you get human skin in roblox?

To look just like a human on Roblox you would need to have builders club. Simply buy and wear a Roblox package of torsos and such that looks human, as well as a realistic shirt and pants. If you picked a good package and good shirt and pants you should look human.

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like a human's face

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a triangle