"Watt" is a rate of moving energy. Anynumber of watts can heat your liters,but the less watts you use, the longer the job will take.
Do you mean how many watts are used to make hot water? It varies, but a typical home electric hot water heater consumes about 4,500 watts. Industrial hot water heaters might use 20,000 watts or more! I have a little warmer that keeps my coffee warm as I type this, it consumes about 300 watts. Of course it only heats 6 ounces of water....
The watts determine how much energy is taken and how much heat is produced. You need to look at the lumens to see how much light is produced. CFLs produce 4-5 times more lumens than incandescent bulbs, or 3-4 times more than halogens, for the same power in watts.
Hoovers use 1000 - 2000 watts
The bulb uses 5 watts of power.
For a 40-cup urn, you should use about 2.5 cups of coffee grounds.
it may use 15 to 25 watts
The tea urn was always on for the workers
Assuming you got that number off an electric kettle it is because that is how much power is needed to heat the water. The number of watts actually measure how much energy the kettle is designed to use. Water is very hard to heat compared to other liquids(or to cool). So it takes a lot of watts to get the kettle to heat the water.
for a large one it is 4,000 watts and for a smaller one it is 1,000 watts
Urn water fountains are typically set up outside. Unless you are planning to have the funeral guests back to your home and spend time in the garden I don't think they would be of use.
He placed his favorite plant in an urn in front of his house.
Do you use regular or coarse grind coffee in 100 cup urn
An 80 cup percolating urn would need at least 14 ounces of fresh ground coffee. Use very fresh cold water. Start with a super clean pot for the best flavor. Allow about two hours for brewing.
40 watts
They use about 1200 watts of electricity, which is a LOT!
As much or as little as you want. Watt is a unit of power, not of energy. If you use less watts, it will take longer to heat the water, but it will still work.